The birds are sing

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Sans pov
The day it went to hell
My head hurts everything is dark and blurry *beep beep* what's that noise *beep beep* every thing is coming into forces again the lab the labs on fire no dad Papyrus Mr.Davis. I started running down the halls I've got to find them they have to be ok they have to. There are people at the end dressed in black who are they why do they have guns "there's one kill it!" One of them shouted what oh no what do I do what do I do "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY SON!" Dad shouted coming from nowhere throwing one of the men into another and blasting the last "Sans are you alright where's Papyrus?" Dad asked "I don't know dad I'm scared what's going on?" I asked I was about to cry he hugged " shh it will be okay don't worry it'll be okay." He told me we broke apart and started searching the rooms when we got to the main lab we found Papyrus and Mr.Davis backed into a corner by more of those men. "Give us the skeleton Jim you don't have to die with it." The leader said "I can't believe you are doing this Johnson these are living thinking people I will not hand Papyrus over to you." Mr.Davis shouted "Think about what your doing Jim you have a daughter do you want to throw your life away and leave her fatherless for this this thing!" He yelled angrily "This things name is Papyrus he has a father and brother and if I die protecting him at least I die doing the right thing unlike you!" Mr.Davis shouted back "Have it your way Jim kill them both"  Johnson said "NO" dad screamed as the would seemed to slow down the men pulled the trigger dad was beside me then all of a sudden he was in front of Mr.Davis and Papyrus Gasters HP 50 40 30 20 10 0 and dad was gone his soul broke before my eyes "NOOOO" I screamed I felt something Break and then the blasters where around me my eyes where glowing "YOU KILLED HIM YOU KILLED HIM YOU KILLED MY DAD!" I was screaming "What is that What are those things Jim what in gods name is that thing!" Johnson shouted he was scared so was his men "Sans run get out of here they'll kill you!" Mr.Davis begged I couldn't hear him and I didn't care. They killed him they killed my dad and needed to pay. I felt something I summoned bones that shot from the ground while I held a few in place killing them "Don't just stand there kill it before it attacks again" Johnson shouted his men scattered I started dodging bullets Moving faster then I ever thought possible till I stopped with someone right behind me his rifle aimed at the back of my skull when one of the blasters shoot him with a blue beam. "What was that" I thought then I heard something "SAN We will help you beat them they will feel karmic retribution!" The blasters whispered in my head and that's how the fight went with me dodging bullets impaling or hitting people with bones while the blasters did whatever it was that that beam did all the while Mr.Davis and Papyrus hide to avoid crossfire the Johnson shouted "ALRIGHT JIM YOU WANT TO PROTECT THE MONSTERS THEN YOU CAN DIE WITH THEM" he pressed a button and the lab started exploding. I was going to follow but Mr.Davis stopped me "Sans leave him we have to get out of here." He said I grabbed the closest thing to remember dad and held Mr.Davises shoulder doing the one thing I could think of as the lab came down around us I teleported us out.

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