Jimin - Dreams

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Its 11.00 a.m. and you decided to go to Starbucks.You bring along your laptop and school works so that you can do it there.The cafe is just a stone's throw away from your house so you just walk there.You ordered a cup of caramel macchiato and take a seat outside while waiting for it.When it is done,you grabbed the drinks and went upstairs of the cafe and searched for a table.You turned on your laptop and start typing.You love to write stories because that is the only way you can express your feelings.You are a normal girl that used to have a boyfriend but then you caught him cheating on you with your best friend.Since that,you never actually put so much trust on people.You know that it would end up that you'll be the one who's hurting so you're being careful with everybody even with your current best friend,Park Jimin.You heard so much rumours about him being a douchebag but you decided to just ignore it as you know that you don't actually put high expectations on him.Suddenly when you're focusing on your work,someone pulled the chair in front if me.I looked up and saw him,Jimin.

"W-what are you doing here?"

"Accompanying you of course.What else should I do here" he smirked at me.

"And why would you? I don't really ask you to come here Jimin" I said while rolling my eyes

"I can't let a beautiful girl like you hanging out at a cafe alone at this hour"

"Stop it you pabo" you chuckled.

He looked on your laptop and smirks.

"Are you still doing it?"

"Doing what?" you asked.

"Writing stories"

"Basically that's what I love to do instead of wasting my time on people who don't actually deserve my time"

"We can always make our time together as the best memories in our life"

"What the fuck Jimin hahahhah you're being so weird today sTaPh" I said.

You both stayed there until the clock strikes 2.00 a.m.When you realize that it's already that late,you packed your things and ready to leave.You and Jimin are going the opposite way,but then he said that he's going to walk you home.You agreed and walked away from the cafe with Jimin by your side.On your way to your house,you found a cat and begin to be excited.You always wanted to own a cat but my apartment owner didn't let an animal in the apartment so you couldn't do anything about it.You pet the cat for a few minutes and realized that he's staring at you.Park Jimin is literally staring at you.When you realize it,he smirked.

"Why are you staring at me like that? It's scared me"

"Nothing.It just that I'm shocked"

"Why?" you asked.

"Never knew angel can be in front of me right now"

Your heart beats faster.'Why is he being like this so suddenly' you wondered.

"Hahhahahha nice try Jimin"

You walked away leaving him alone.You turned around and saw him running towards you.

"Y/N PABOOO !!" he said while running.

You chuckled and waited for him.The sky looks so beautiful tonight.The atmosphere is just perfect.The winds blow and you started to feel cold.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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