Yoongi - Soulmate

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You went home and ignore what just happened.You put all the groceries you bought in the cabinet and watch the television.You feel bored so you decided to just play with your phone.2 hours passed by and you started to feel hungry.You search online for the recipes and decided to cook tteobokki.When you're busy preparing the ingredients,your phone light up and show you a text notification from an unknown number.You stop and open the message.


??? : Hey Y/N,it's Yoongi here.

You eyes widened when you read the text.You actually didn't expect him to really text you.

Y/N : Oh hey Yoongi.
Yoongi : What are you doing ?
Y/N : Cooking my lunch hahahha
Yoongi : I'm sorry too disturb you.Let me know when you're done ;)
Y/N : Okay ? gtg byebye

You feel weird because the last time you texted a man was like 2 years ago.You're not the type who get attach to a guy easily.You finish your food and wash the dishes.You are not sure if you should text him to tell that you're done or not but somehow your hands tell you to just text him.Without any hesitation you texted him.Starting from that day,you guys always text each other day and night.3 weeks later,he ask you out.You didn't sure if its a date or just a typical friend and friend hangout time.You are supposed to be there at 5.00 p.m. but you get dressed at 4.00 p.m.You put on some mascara and blushed your cheek.You actually amazed at how you dressed yourself.As far as you know,you only dresses like this if there's any special event.Some thoughts come across your mind. 'Is this actually a date? Why am I getting so excited and nervous at the same time?' You keep the question to yourself and headed out.You call for an uber and a few minutes later you arrived at the place you and Yoongi agreed to meet.You saw him already there waiting for you.You quickly get into the cafe and meet him.When he saw you, he was shocked.You apologize for being a little bit late.The waiter came to your table and taken your orders.

Y/N : Why do you look so shocked when you saw me earlier?
Yoongi : It's just that I'm shocked to meet an angel.
Y/N : What the heck Yoongi hahahhah are you joking ?
Yoongi : I'm not Y/N

The food arrives at your table.After you guys finished the meals,he takes you for a walk at the seaside across the road of the cafe.You look at your watch and it's already 8.00 pm.

Y/N : I'm sorry Yoongi but I think I need to go.Thanks for today !
Yoongi : Thankyou too Y/N.I had fun today.
Y/N : See you again perhaps?
Yoongi : Would love that !Do you need a ride home ?
Y/N : It's okay.I'll take the busses.
Yoongi : Are you sure ?
Y/N : Yes.Thanks for asking ! Byebye Yoongi

You walk away.Since that,you and Yoongi always goes out together.One day,when you're on your way home from buying stuffs,you saw Yoongi.And he's with a girl.That girl is trying to intertwining her hands on Yoongi's.You somehow feel sad and quickly went back home.You are not sure why you're being sad but it's just how it is.
'Why am I being sad ? He's not even my boyfriend' You make yourself a cup of hot chocolate and fell asleep on the sofa.The next morning,you wake up and quickly grab your phone.You're actually expecting a text from him.Suddenly,his name popped up on the notification bar.When you're going to reply it,you remembered what happened and chose not to reply any of his text or call for this few days.Days and days passed by and you still didn't reply any of it.You headed out and just keep walking around the neighbourhood.You went to the beach.The place you and always goes when you guys hanged out together.You decided to watch the sunset before going back home.Suddenly,you hear someone calling out your name.

??? : Y/N ! Y/N !
Y/N : Y-Yoongi ? Is that you ?
Yoongi : Yahh Y/N - ah ! Why didn't you reply any of my texts or calls?
Y/N : I don't know
Yoongi : Did I do something wrong ?
Y/N : I don't know
Yoongi : Don't be like this Y/N.Please tell me !
Y/N : I thought you're busy with your girlfriend
Yoongi : Me ? Girlfriend ? What are you talking about Y/N ?
Y/N : Stop it Yoongi.I knew everything.I saw you and a girl a few days ago.The girl keep on trying to intertwine her hands on yours.I thought we are more than just a friend.
Yoongi : Woaaa hold up Y/N ? That girl ? Do you actually mean my niece ?
Y/N : Your what ?
Yoongi : The girl you saw few days ago was my niece.She's being like that because I'm her only uncle.I always take care of her so that's why she's being way too pampered.
Y/N : Are you sure?I don't know if I should believe this or not
Yoongi : Trust me Y/N.Besides,there's this one question i've been waiting to ask you but I'm not sure about it.Its now or never right ?
Y/N : What do you mean ?
Yoongi : I know we don't really know each other for a long time but I want to take a chance to know you better.Will you be my girlfriend Y/N ?
Y/N : Of course yes Yoongi-ah.

He jumped and thank you for accepting him.You guys watch the sunset together and you actually caught him staring at you.

Y/N : Why are you looking at me ? You should look at the sunset.It is beautiful
Yoongi : Yes it is beautiful.As beautiful as you

You chuckled and kissed his cheek.He return the kiss on your forehead and down to your lips.

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