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A week passed and out fluttered a note from a new witch's locker. The sticky note had read:

Meet me in the music room during lunch, I've gotta show you something


(B's initials)

She folded it, tucking it away into her pocket, and headed off to class. She had no idea who
B was. But, in all suddenness, she could only think about him; this kid who looked at her during class, always asked for her help and always would try to be her project partner every single time. She didn't catch his name even once, but had seen him so many times that his image was clearly imprinted into her mind.

Later that afternoon, she wandered off to the music room. As she walked in, waiting for her, was him, the guy that poked her around in class. He was B --- although, she didn't know what that stood for yet. He gave a slight swish and flick with his wand and above them, lights danced on the ceiling, roses (which were her favourite) sprouted from the walls, and he sat there on the amp, smiling. 

"B?" She whispered in awe of the magical room. 

"(B's full name)... but I go by (B's nickname)..." He spoke back, proud and excited inside. He started strumming his bass with his pick as she neared. She found a seat that had a card on it. It read 'For A'.  She slowly moved the tag out of place and sat there, amazed. And as she settled, B began to sing a melody so beautiful, A was almost in tears. No one has ever done such a thing to impress her. And let's just say, they stayed there for the rest of the hour, talking and whatnot...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2020 ⏰

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