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On her way to class, A is caught up to by B, trying to catch his breath.

"Oh hi! Where'd you come from?"

"I forgot to do my homework, stall for me?" He begs tirely.

"I don't know... It's gonna cost you..."


In class, The teacher undoubtedly requests everyone's homework.

"Umm, Miss?" A thinks quickly on her feet.

"Yes, A? Is this urgent?"

"Ju-just asking... What-What is the reasoning behind... Uhhh... umm," think, A, think! "Two plus two...?" She stutters awkwardly as beside her sits B rushing to finish his assignment.

The teacher looks concerned at A. She is genuinely confused.

"Done!" He whispers.

"Actually? You know what? Never mind! Heh heh..." She hides herself behind her hand in shame, "You owe me one!"

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