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A and B are spending their last few days of school being mad at eachother. A is more upset than angry and wants to apologize, but she's not too sure about how B feels about it. After a lot of thinking on how to apologize, she comes up with one way.

The next day, B opens his locker and out flutters a piece of paper. He catches it just before it hits the ground. It reads:

I'm really sorry about that fight. And if it's possible, at least tell me how mad you are?

(Circle One)
A. Mad
B. Really Mad
C. Super Duper Mad

B smiles, taking out a pencil with a devious look in his eye.

Fast-forward a couple hours to lunch, where A is sitting alone at a table.

"Hey," B sits beside her and hands her the paper, "I wanted to give you this."

She opens it and frantically tries to find the circled answer. Then her eyes pause at the statement.

She's astonished and speechless, but still reads the paper aloud, "Answer: D...? I love you...?" She turns to look at him, "You penciled that answer in!"

"I can't lie, now can I?" He says.

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