Reina went ahead and climbed onto Vaera's spiny back, settling down comfortably thanks to the different dress she was currently wearing. Harry followed her movements, gulping when he noticed Vaera staring at him before she turned her head away. He settled down behind Reina, immediately winding his strong arms around her torso and pressing himself against her.

   "I suppose there's no need for me to tell you to hold on tight," Reina chuckled lightly as Vaera prepared for take off.

   "Do not tease," Harry growled lowly, warm lips brushing the shell of her ear. "I will take you so hard you will struggle to walk for a week."

  Reina rolled her lips inwards, already aroused by his words and excited for the rest of the night. She pulled her coat around her firmer, hand returning to grasp the horn that was situated on Vaera's spine, tightly. Reina gave the command to take off in the foreign tongue, causing Vaera's wings to swing downwards powerfully as she pushed off the ground. Harry sucked in a breath as a whoosh of air hit his face, blowing his hair back as he felt himself rise high above the air. After a minute, they were flying over the kingdom of Vardomos in the starry night sky, cold wind biting their cheeks and noses.

   "This is incredible!" Harry yelled out loud with a laugh, pink lips stretched widely over his pearly, white teeth.

   "Better than riding a horse, isn't it?" Reina responded loudly with a grin.

  "Far better!" Harry called out, before his eyes spotted vivid-colored, lights blazing in the silent sky. "Reina! Look! The Dancing Lights!"

Harry felt his jaw slacken in awe when his green eyes landed on the bands of colored lights snaking through the obsidian black sky. Harry had heard stories about the famous Dancing Lights of the North, a sign that magic was real. There were many intriguing legends about the lights, the most popular one being the one created by the Rahraenos who say that the spirits of the dragons who have passed away were the lights that shone like rippling curtains. They were a brilliant, emerald green, matching the color of Harry's eyes.

  Reina looked back briefly at Harry, smiling fondly at how adorable he looked, in awe at seeing the Dancing Lights for the first time in his life. Reina briefly reminisced to when she first saw them, with her father and brother, sitting on the top of the mountain they were headed to and watching in awe. Watching the way the dancing lights moved and trembled, pale green with rosy pink hues, glittering against the ebony sky. It was a truly spectacular sight and she was glad she took Harry to see it because she could tell he really loved it.

  Harry and Reina braced themselves for landing as Vaera neared the hot spring pools that was situated on the mountain ranges the Dancing Lights swayed above. Vaera lifted her colossal, leathery wings up, flapping twice just as her feet touched a huge rock on top of the mountain. She lowered her body, mighty claws grabbing the edge of the huge rock and let out a mix between a squeal and a whine for Reina. Harry climbed off first, dropping down onto Vaera's humongous foot before stepping off onto the rocky ground covered in a fresh layer of snow. He wrapped his raven, black coat around his body firmer as Reina slung her bag of clothes over her shoulder and climbed off as well.

   "I will call you when I'm done, my sweet girl," Reina cooed lovingly at Vaera, stroking the creature's scaly cheek with a warm smile.

  Vaera nudged Reina's stomach affectionately, a high-pitched squeal leaving her mouth before she pulled away, and lifted her head up. Reina led Harry down a rocky path where the hot spring pool was situated below the huge slab of rock Vaera was perched upon. Reina and Harry watched as Vaera turn away and crawl off to the other side of the mountain where she was going to curl up and wait for her mother to be done. Reina set the bag of clothes, and towels she had slung on her shoulder, down on a slab of rock near the hot spring pool.

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