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"Kurohebi... You know that your father loves you right?" Kurokobura asked, looking down at his daughter who's smaller hand held his larger one.

"Yup! But I love father even more!" She smiled up at him, and received a strained smile in return but didn't question it, "And I'm sure mother loves you as well." Kurohebi said, looking at the grave. 

"Suiteki Dōkutsu"

Kurokobura stared at his daughter, "Yeah..."


"Hey Dad... I look like you, right? But I got my eye color from Grandma. So will I get your Quirk?" Kurohebi asked, picking at her food. 

"Well... I'm not sure. Your mother had, 'Water Healing' while I have, 'Cobra's Venom' and my mother had, 'Snake eye's' which would paralyzed her enemies for a short while and my father, 'Venom Fangs' which when bitten could fatally injure a person or just cause them to pass out based on the amount of poison injected while your mother's, mom had 'Water Manipulation' which let her move water, and her father had, 'Revival' which was a powerful healing ability so your mother's ability is a mix of her mother and father's. So you might get a mix of our abilities maybe 'Healing Fangs' or 'Poison Water'." 

"I see... Well I would be happy with either abilities." Kurohebi said, taking a bite of fish. 

'Although, those Quirks are unrealistic.... I just hope you won't get my mother's ability or mine...' 


Kurohebi smiled as she stood in front of the class, "I'm Kurohebi Dōkutsu! Nice to meet you!" 


"Is she related to Kurokobura?"

"The 'Cobra Hero'?!"

"That's cool!" 

Hearing those comments made Kurohebi smirk, 'Of course my dad is cool!' 


"Hey Dōkutsu!" A boy shouted, running towards the girl, "What are you doing?! That's dangerous!" He shouted, pulling her away from the snake.  


"Snakes are dangerous."

"My dad is the Cobra Hero." She said, picking up the snake, "I think a little snake is fine." 

"I-I guess so..." He said, keeping a safe distance, "What kind is it?" 

"It's the Japanese rat snake. It's harmless- Well, it isn't venomous." She held it towards him, "Here!"

"No thanks!"


"It feels weird..." He said, holding a snake.

"I wanna hold it next!"

"Of course, it feels weird you're holding a snake, and the skin is covered by scales." 

"Let me hold it!" The boy, next to them shouted.

"Sure, I don't want to hold it." He said, handing the snake over.

"Cool! Look at its tongue!"

"That's what you find cool?!" Kurohebi laughed at his frustration, "Why are you laughing?!"


"His name is Hoshi!" A girl said, pointing to her dog. 

"How cute!"

"Can I pet him?"

"Sure, you can pet him!"

Kurohebi stared at them as they gushed over the dog, 'It's not a snake... Why should I care.'

"Hey Dōkutsu! Come pet him!" 

"Sure..." She mumbled, shuffling towards the dog, "H-Hello..." She greeted, staring into the dogs eyes, "I would rather leave now..." She said, turning away but stopped when she saw her classmates faces, "What's wrong?" 

"T-The dog..."

"What did you do?!"

"W-What do you mean?" She asked, looking at the dog, but only saw a statue, 'What...'


"She turned the dog into stone!" 

Kurohebi tuned them out, 'Why... Did this happen?'


"I heard that the last person with a ability like yours was a villain." He taunted. 

"Leave me alone!" 

"If we don't I bet your gonna attack us." Another taunt. Kurohebi glared at them red eye's flashing, 'Why do they make fun of me, just because I got my grandmother's ability. And she wasn't a villain...'

 "Tch... I won't say it again. Leave. Me. Alone." Kurohebi threatened, gripping the chains of the swing. 

"Oh yea-" The kid was unable to finish his sentence as he suddenly turned to stone. 

"You did it again!" He wailed.

"Kurohebi! What's going on!" 

"Dad!" Kurohebi exclaimed, 'What is he doing here? What does he mean?' 

"I know your eyes are hard to control but this isn't good!" Kurohebi looked over, 'Wha-?! When did I?' "You're lucky that this ability wears off over time but it doesn't make it right. We need to train."

"I understand."

"But first-...."


"We should call your mother-..." He said, to the child who wasn't a statue.

'Out of all of the Quirks...'

"Don't cry so loudly...!-" 

'I had to get 'Medusa's Snakes...'


The Snake Hero (discontinued)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें