Contest #9 Results

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Hello lovelies! 

I hope school hasn't been too hectic for you. I know I've been swamped with school and musical practices, so sorry if I seem a bit distant. I promise I'll be a lot more attentive in these coming months!

First Place: Sassqueens_1716

Second Place (A tie): Love Letter by darthallow and Loved and Lost  by peacelovecats

Third Place (A tie also): There's a Grief That Can't Be Spoken by CelticWarriorQueen17 and Lost and Found by AnAlurring_NIghtmare

Honorable Mentions:

A Valentine's Day Without You  by oxXCarolineXxo

Lost Until Found by darkness171


I want to try something new for the next contest. Instead of me obsessing over a writing idea that I'm not sure whether you guys will like or not, I'm thinking that you guys could comment your own contest ideas (Including but not limited to: a subject you have to write about or a certain phrase that has to be included etc.)!  I want to get a better feel of what you want to write about and figure out what all possibilities are available. 

You guys can vote on your favorite idea or you can suggest your own. If there's one with the most votes, I'll chose that one. If there's a tie, then I'll choose my favorite. If your idea gets chosen, you are able to enter that contest, but you do not have to. 

Try to submit them by the end of this week (Midnight on October 14th EST) at the latest. 

Let's see what you come up with!

(Don't forget to add this book to your library so you can receive notifications when I add/update a chapter!)

"A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor." -Unknown

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