Contest #3 Love is in the Air...? CLOSED

252 19 20

Ahh Valentine's Day... I remember back to my good ole elementary school days when I knew that by the end of the day, I would have a huge pile of candy I could stash away for later.

Nowadays, the only way you're getting candy is if someone actually likes you enough to buy you some.

Or you can buy yourself some because you know you're going to die owning twelve cats. Which ever comes first.


Since Valentine's Day is just around the corner, let's do something special!

This is going to be a two perspective story. Basically, you'll write one part of the story from one character's point of view then you'll switch to the other character's POV (Point Of View).

The theme must be Valentine's Day related.

Due date is February 24 at midnight.

"A professional writer is an amateur who didn't quit." -Richard Bach

p.s I forgot to add a word limit! Let's make it 1500 words.

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