Sollux x short!reader part 1

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Here is the first part requested by Sugarmuff

Reader POV

You were always short that's an understatement you are SMALL at 4'8  unsurprisingly you got teased about it but your Moirail Sollux would stop anyone who did but he liked to tease you to so it wasn't much of an improvement.

You were bored you sat on the couch in Sollux and yours apartment. Karkat got viruses in his Husktop for the third time this week sollux was fixing it up in his room leaving you downstairs to yourself.

The channels on the TV were all boring so you switched it of and looked at your phone someone was texting you!
(P/N) responded to (C/G) carcinogentestis


(P/N): no idea

(P/N): here I'll go check

(P/N) stopped responding to (C/G) carcinogentestis

You stood up and started to and up the stairs. There was a hallway two doors on the right and one on the left, you went to the one on the left, Sollux's room.
He was on the floor in front of his bed working on what seemed to be Karkat's Husktop. Across from his bed was a desk and on the wall a closet with a TV and several gaming systems attached to it.

The almost awkward thing of all about this room was that it smelled like honey. "Hey Sollux" you asked. "What?" He retorted angrily "is karkats Husktop dome?" "What do you thiink?" "No?" "Correct 2o get out!" "Fine but before I leave would you like anything?" "2ome hot cocoa would be niice iin the bee mug2 please" somehow his sentences were less firm and more relieved maybe you should have pondered this but you had a job to do! Get Sollux cocoa and respond to Karkat! "Ok" you replied cheerily and skipped down the hall.

Sollux POV the bee man

You stared back at the Husktop you were actually done you just didn't want to go hang out with (Y/N) you might have a few emotional problems and didn't want to hang around the person who caused them. You weren't exactly sure if these feelings were red or just regular moiraliegence.

Fuck it you will just have to talk to Karkat about it when you return his Husktop. Speaking of redrom where was your moraile it usually didn't take them this long even with there short stature heh heh guess it won't be bad to check on them.

(Y/N) >:3 POV

You tried to reach the top shelf but dammit you were short even the counter couldn't help you get you grunt in frustration at the tedious task. Suddenly a gray hand reaches over yours to grab the cup and places it in your hand. Your face turned dark red realizing who had done that for you and you turned around.

Sollux has an equal amount of yellow on his face that you had red he coughed and said "wa2 ju2t checking up on you" you smiled warmly and muttered a thank you in embarrassment.

Walking back to the stove you couldn't help but notice his eyes follow in your (e/c) ones. You poured cocoa into each mug "marshmallows or no marshmallows?" "The mallow2 plea2e" you plopped a bunch of the confections into each glass.

"So are you done with the Husktop now?" Sollux sighed and replied with a "ye2" you looked back up at him clearly excited and exclaimed "then we will have A Mario Kart Battle!" His face lit up and he yelled "OH YOUR ON!"

~15 races later~

"How are you so good at this!" You yelled "practiice (Y/N) practiice" You pouted at him and then You yelled "ok let's make a wiinbet this time! I win and you have to give me five answers to any ten questions I want" "and iif ii ?" Sollux asked "same thing but other way around" he gave you a your on face and proceeded to pick one of the hardest races yet rainbow road.

Homestuck x reader (requests open again!)Where stories live. Discover now