"cold water helps you faster, these are my dads clothes, go to the kitchen when your done" she took my dirty cloths and walked off like all this never happened! so she yanked me to the bathroom to make me throw up, saw me naked and didn't care, and turned the cold water like i wasn't in here! Whats wrong with her?!

I got out the cold...cold shower and put on some clean underwear, black gym shorts and a grey tank. i walked to the kitchen seeing Flora cook something. it smelled good. i went behind her and hugged her, she didn't get scared "hello!" i smiled, she turned her head so i was able to see her pretty eyes.

"get off and sit down" she sounded pissed, i backed away and sat down in the table. a cold bottle of water was thrown at my head

"ow!" i complained

"drink it." She ordered with a glare... shes scary... After 10 minutes she put a burger and fries in front of me. did she just hand make this? i look at her and flinched. she was glaring..."eat" she ordered. i took a bite of the cheese burger and some fries. It was amazing, i didn't think i ever tasted a burger and/or fries this good before! she sat across the table glaring at me

"Okay what gives? you threw your fingers in my throat, you saw me naked and didn't care, and you turned on the cold water,you threw this water bottle at me and you made me food, why?" i asked. she continued to glare

"eat." she simply said.

I finished my food and water and burped loudly. kinda feeling better. Flora made a disgusted face and stood up next to me "now can you tell me what happened earlier?" i asked. she yanked my arm to her room and pointed at her bed

"sleep." she ordered

"whoa Flora, i only knew you for 3 days" i laughed raising my hands.

"its not a invitation dumb ass" she hissed. ok, maybe coming here drunk did put her in a bad mood. i get it. i got on her soft bed with my back facing the ceiling. she sat next to me playing with my phone

"hey thats my phone" i tried to grab it but she pushed my hands away

"Tyler is wondering where your at" she said typing "i just dried text him saying home" she admit giving me back my phone. i laughed "how could you be so stupid? you could've died!" she told me. i grabbed her waist and hugged her sides.

"sorry...but I'm lucky i got you to take care of me" i smiled closing my eyes. moments later i felt her hand stroking my hair...it was so relaxing...i fell asleep by the beautiful flower...

Flora's p.o.v

He.did.not.just...he's fucking drunk and came to my house!!?? He smelled like alcohol and...the fuck? cotton candy flavored shots? what is wrong with him!? i covered my nose "you fucking stink! Are you drunk!?" i had to ask putting on my bandanas to avoid the smell. and he has the nerve to lie to me. i pulled him in

"can i use the restroom?" he asked.

"forget the restroom! you need a shower! go! now!" i pushed him to my restroom, i can still smell the alcohol from under my bandanas. what an idiot.

He looked at me "how did you get here!? did you tell anyone where i live!?" i yelled ready to throw a punch

"no...i drove here..." he admit. i really really really hate drunks. i yanked him to the toilet and made him throw up. he threw up everything that he had inside. i remember when ever Nicolas and everyone was drunk, Martin told me that throwing up always felt better, so i was always the one to torcher everyone to do it. it was always pay back for all the screaming i received. "what was that for!?" he yelled. drunks get the habit to let out their anger, so I'm not letting this guy do as he please. i crossed my arms

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