"What were you boys talking about?!" he asks still smiling at us and we both have the same look a stupid grin graces our faces because it is great to see him smiling so genuinely.

"Nothing love we were just catching up and I was asking him to come stay here this week to keep you company while I go overseas on business from tomorrow." he smiles down at Jimin.

"Oh that's a great idea love. We have some catching up to do, right Tae?!" Just like old times.

"Lord of the rings marathon?!" I ask already knowing the answer.

"You know it. I call dips on Legolas." He says smirking at me.

"What?! No fair! You can't call dips before we watch." At that he just chuckles.

The day of Jimins birthday

Jungkook's POV

I just 'landed' from my trip and I am excited to finally see my husband on his special day. I had a message delivered for him to be ready by nine in the morning. Friends and family were ready to prepare for the surprise party once we leave the house.

I walk in and see him checking himself out on the full body mirror.

"Excuse me sir are you not in pain?!" He spins around so quickly at the sound of my voice.


"Because you must have fallen a long way from heaven." He smiles and I can tell he is suppressing his laugh.

"Do those cheesy lines work on anyone?!" he smirks at me. God I missed him.

"Depends... are you single?!" I walk up to him and put my hands around his waist and he puts his around my neck both of us with smiles on our faces.

"No... my husband is a very possessive man." His hands are now in my hair and damn is it turning me on.

"Damn... all the good ones are taken." I fake pout and he breaks into heart warming laughter before he plants his lips on mine.
"Are you ready?!" He nods. "Today I am going to spoil you rotten. Let's go Mr Jeon."

"Well I have something for you too Mr Jeon."

We have our late breakfast and Jimin takes out a black box with a bow on it and inside are two matching silver and diamond encrested necklaces with half of a heart each and a baby joined to the heart at the bottom as if to complete the heart the heart but not quite. I wanted to hold in my tears but I failed miserably. It was beautiful and held every emotion we felt. Our hearts were incomplete with loss but it was also tears of acceptance and healing.

I cannot imagine how hard it was for him to have done this and it means a lot to me. There are also rings with the words 'my heart' written on the inside. He puts it on my right hand second finger. If it were my left hand, it would be my ring finger and I do the same for him, exchanging a few words, 'i love yous' and kisses.

After we eat I take him to my surprise and tell him to keep his eyes closed. I look it over to makr sure its perfect before he opens his eyes.

"Ok babe you can open them."

Jimin's POV

"Ok babe you can open them." He says and I open my eyes. It takes a few seconds for me to get what the surprise is but when I do my mouth drops.

We are infront of a giant building and there is a huge red bow on the door and a big sign that says 'happy birthday' and 'let's make your dream a reality'.

I look at him and he just nods smiling at me.

"Are you crazy?! Did you really get me a hotel as a birthday present?! Are you insane?!"

"Babe... if I could I would buy you the universe. It has already been done and we cannot take it back so you have to accept it. We will discuss more details at home but me and Taehyung do own a bit of it with you but you are the major shareholder. Plus babe I have been working on this since you move in, built it from the ground up."

I jump on him and kiss him while in tears. How can he spend so much on me and knowing that he has been planning this for a long time had me overwhelmed.

"I love you so much. Thank you babe. Am I going to have to buy you an island for your birthday?!" I tease him a bit. He kisses me before he replies.

"No... just that jibooty is enough." He grabs my butt and a moan escapes my lips.

I was surprised to see all these people in my house and the gifts were just crazy. Mum and dad got me a new car. It was shipped here because they could not make it. TaeBear and Hoseok fixed my old car the same half heart and baby like my necklace on the steering wheel and it had me in tears. Namjoon and Seokjin gave me a lot of expensive jewelry and news of their weeding. After a lot of congratulations, laughter and tears everyone went home leaving me to give my husband a very sexy surprise of my own. *wink*.

Just a filler chapter. Again I do not proof read my work in fear of unnecessarily changing things so forgive me for any loops or misspellings or anything like that. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy this

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