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You know some people would kick the guy who's holding you down. But I actually need to get my ass kick so I can get what I need. The big guy held me back as his friend punched my stomach. I doubled over and groaned. That's going to leave a bruise.

The guy pulled me back by my hair. "You little brat. You think you could just sneak in here, steal our food, and get away with it. Maybe you should learn how to sneak next time, avoid getting caught."

I smirked up at the guy. "Honey, it wasn't those nuts I was after." I gave the guy a once over. "Though looks like you don't got much."

The guy behind me let out a chuckle, but stopped because of the glare his friend gave him. He grabbed my head again before he pulled out his knife and placed it near my neck.

"How about we get you all nice and tendered for them Zs? I'm sure they'll love to have you," He said.

I slowly moved my hand towards my pistol in tucked in my pants. These idiots forgot to check me. They just took my rifle away. Probably thought I only had that one.

"Well, duh, they want brains. I'm pretty sure your safe in that department," I commented.

I felt something collide with my head before I felt the cold metal tip of a gun. I glared up at the man as blood dripped drown from my forehead. He's going to pay. I almost grabbed my pistol as the guy started to chuckle.

He cocked his gun before placing it in the middle of my head. "I'm not one for killing a kid, but I can easily make an exception."

I grabbed my pistol and was about to point it at the guy and knock his friend out, but the sound of another gun stopped me. "Drop your weapon!"

I tried to hold back my groan as I looked up. It was a woman with an old guy and a teenager. They were all pointing their guns at the guy and his friend. They let me go and pointed their guns at them.

"Let the girl go, we don't want any trouble," The woman said.

I looked between the five people. Two are trying to kill me and the three want to help me. You know what? I can take care of myself. I quickly got up and took my pistol out before using the butt of it to hit the big guy. He fell to the floor and the littler guy pointed his gun at me. He was about to shoot, but I was faster. My bullet went straight through his head before I used the other to shoot the big guy.

I smirked as I held my gun up. "But I do." I went over to the ground and picked up my rifle before I went over to the trio. I held my hand up to show them that I mean no harm. "I guess I should say thank you for the rescue."

The woman lowered her weapon. "Looks like you didn't need it."

I shrugged. "I just needed some ammo and food, I saw their tent and tried to take some beef jerky. Didn't get the food but..." I dug into my pocket and pulled out the bullets. "I got the next best thing."

The woman smiled before she placed her hand out. "Roberta Warren." She nodded towards the old guy. "That there's Doc." Then to the kid. "And 10k."

I shook her hand. "One Shot."

"What kind of name is One Shot?" Doc asked.

"What kind of name is 10k?" I retorted.

"It's how many zombies I'm going to kill," 10k said.

"And how many did you kill?"


I nodded my head in approval. "Nice!"

"Why do they call you One Shot?" Doc asked. I smirked. I love it when they ask me this. I pulled my gun from out of my holster and pointed it at him. His eyes went wide as he held up his hands. "Woah, woah, woah, it's just a question."

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