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The idea haunted all night long, you just couldn't understand how everyone but Demyx and Roxas see Naminé. She was right there, standing next to you, talking to you and yet neither of the two men were able to see her. It was frustrating but at the same time it was.. creepy.

Honestly you thought that maybe you were the issue, that Sora was just playing along with you as a prank. But Tifa, Yuffie, Cloud and Zack were also able to see Naminé. You didn't want to think ill of Demyx or Roxas. Despite not knowing either of them for very 'long'.. no everything was fine. Maybe they were just having a rough day and weren't paying attention.

Sighing loudly you wanted to give up on the idea of a person being completely nonexistent to some people.

You laid there in the darkness of your bedroom, the soft glow of the street lights bounced into your window oh so very slightly. You didn't dare look outside of them, remembering the last time that you had done that.. wasn't a safe bet to do so again. Throwing your arm over your eyes, you yawned long and hard.

In your head you thought of random things. Anything to keep your mind off of the unknowing and knowing what was beyond your window. Right before you began to drift off to sleep you could feel yourself humming something...

Something familiar.

"What if something happens to you?!"

"Nothing is going to happen to be me. If something.. does then I leave my job to you."

The tension grew thicker with each passing minute. It had always been The Warrior's job, to command and to lead the Seven Warriors of Light. The thought of losing them and the chain of command was an unsettling thought. Of course they didn't all get along with one another but... everyone came to accept their role and the reason why they were all fighting. To give up on fighting meant that everything that they all had done was for naught.

The Warrior shook their head, light reflected off their eyes. "If you aren't ready for the job, then someone else is. ------ was without a Warrior of Light for centuries until she revived me, right now there are seven of us counting me. I rather not leave her with no one again if something was to happen."

You barked out a cough, breathing in deeply to the point if felt like you were hiccupping on air. Rolling over onto your back you laid there looking up at your ceiling in disbelief. You couldn't tell what that was, a dream or was it a memory? You thought back to what felt like only two hours ago when you were shopping with Sora. You didn't realize it.. but you were having flashes even then.

But those flashes felt like you were daydreaming of something fantasy like and unbelievable.

So was this just all in your head or was this real? Pushing yourself to sit up in bed you shook your head. No, whatever you were dreaming wasn't reality. Warriors of Light? You couldn't even see who the two voices belong to.

The anxiety of yesterday must've caught up to you.

Pulling your phone from off it's charger you look at the time half expecting to been asleep for only an hour. Yet to your total shock it was already five thirty in the morning. Hesitantly you looked toward the window finding a glow of the rising sun already coating the city.

Sun. Seeing the sun meant there was light. Light meant no Heartless.

The tension in your body melted away and so did the anxiety. Seeing the light put everything at ease. Deciding on getting up out of the bed was what you decided to after several more minutes of laying there. You didn't really decide on getting ready right away, you could always come back to the apartment before actually running into anyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2018 ⏰

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