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A door slammed in the middle of the night, that's what had woken you up from your slumber.

It caused for you to sit up in bed, eyes wide open and a slight thumping in your chest. Pressing the palm of your hand to your forehead you clicked the home button of your phone to check the time.


Groaning loudly, you rubbed your eyes tiredly before throwing back the light blanket. Before having gone to bed you left the window open, the rain ended by the time you had gotten home and now there was a decent wind of warmth flowing through.

Walking towards your closed bedroom door in your nightwear, you opened it and looked the hallway.

The darkness was eerie, surprised to find that Rikku hadn't left any lights on in the kitchen.

Yawning you stepped out of your bedroom and walked down the hallway where it opened up into the living room which was then connected to the kitchen in an open lay out.

Blinking away the sleep in your eyes, you looked around in the darkness. The moon was creating soft light that was pooling into the empty room.

"Rikku? This isn't funny..." You croaked out, walking towards the kitchen to see if the blonde woman was in there.

She wasn't.

You frowned before turning around as you let out a scream before falling backward onto the tiled floor.

Standing in front of you was a figure made out of pure darkness, wisps were stringing off of the figure. It was a perfect copy of your figure, your height, everything. Instead of [colour] eyes, there were pure yellow eyes looking down at you.

Breathing heavily you tried to slide far back as you could from the dark mass before your back ended up against the kitchen island. You were fearful of what was going on, you felt alone, and scared. Eventually you felt nothing as the mass crouched in front of you, tilting the head to the side.

There was stillness. You felt no need to breathe, no soft thumping of a heart. Instead, you felt as if you were one with the silence of everything around you.

It reached out towards your face, all you could do was stare into the bright glowing eyes in front of you. The light in the darkness.

"I want to meet you."


It was all a dream.

You leapt up from your laying position, staring wide eyed at the other end of the bed at the wall in front of you. Your breath was labored and you were shaking. Hastily you pressed the palm of your hand against your chest and felt thump, five seconds later, another thump.

Your hand swept through your [colour] hair, damp from night sweats from the terror dream.

There was a need to cry, but you couldn't. Something was telling you that you couldn't cry or shouldn't. Instead you were sitting there as a wave of shakes trampled through your body.

After a moment of taking deep breathes, you turned your body towards your phone and clicked the home button like you had done so in the nightmare. It was 5:56am.

You were going to met with Tifa in four hours, and you felt like there was no chance that you were going to be able to go back to sleep after that terror.

Instead, you threw yourself together and walked out of the house with your apartment key and cell phone. There was a huge urge to just take a walk.

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