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"So, you remember nothing of what happened before the hospital?" It was Rikku, you looked at the long blonde haired woman who was standing there in an old orange shirt and daisy duke green shorts. Her hair was still damp, using one towel in order to get rid of as much moisture as possible.

Dinner had passed nearly two hours ago, it was difficult trying to get Brother and Pops, you learned his name was Cid, out of the door. Rikku and Cid were arguing about something important meanwhile you found that Brother understood broken English. He was attempting to get you to remember how to speak Al Bhed. From what Cid mentioned during the small tutoring session, you spoke it fluently.

It was easy to relax around the family, you would chuckle at old stories that Cid would bring up from when everyone was a child. The first time that Brother attempted magic while everyone went to the beach and ended up hitting Rikku instead. The first time that Rikku got into a fight with someone at school, to when Brother got his first tattoo.

There were stories about how you were a daredevil and would climb the highest possible points. Your reply each time? "I want to fly!" You smiled sadly each time Cid would recall a childhood story that involved you, all because of the fact you had a hard time remembering it.

Currently you were looking through your old High School yearbook. You were surprised to see what you looked like when they took your senior portrait, it was obvious with how you matured. You picked up a coaster and marked the location you were in before softly closing the book.

You shook your head and looked at Rikku sadly. "I can't, nothing. I was in this darkness, cold but soon as the doctors touched me, it felt like I was on fire." You stole a glance to your hands, other than your feet and of course face and neck, it was the only showing skin.

Rikku frowned before taking a seat on the loveseat that was diagonal from you. "Amnesia? Docs would've told us if you had anything like that." Rikku stuck her bottom lip out in an annoyed pout. Leaning over to the rectangle coffee table that was stuck between the three couches, Rikku turned on the TV.

It was the news that popped on.

"After a year and a half of no contact with Professor Xehanort from Cor University and his intern, [Name] Tacand. The latter was discovered early this morning unconscious in the middle of Rose Garden Square by an commuter." A man and a woman were sitting behind a glass table, the woman's voice repeated the writing from behind the camera to the audience of the 7:00 o'clock news.

"By the time that we learned the identity of the Cor University student, we were told that she had been released from the hospital. Tacand is on a scholarship to the University, studying the functions of the heart." The male anchor looked to his co host.

"Wonder if she knows where the Professor is?" "Hopefully she has some recollection."

The news continued onward to the seven day forecast, tomorrow would be Wednesday and it was showing continuous rain. Rikku looked over to where you were sitting, finding a frown on your face, eyes looking at your hands that sat on top of your yearbook.

Glancing up at Rikku, you tried to put on a brave face. "It's okay, maybe I can remember?" You glanced back downward, you were missing for a year and a half and all of a sudden popping back up in the middle of a square with no recollection of what transpired since then?

It was horrible.

You told Rikku that you were going back to bed, it was hard trying to continue on and just listen to the reporters continue on with their reports. The blonde woman didn't stop you at all as you trudged down the hallway and into your room, closing it softly behind you.

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