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"Oh God!"

The next thing that you knew was that you were running to the bathroom ― not having noticed that you were in bed and not in the hallway floor. Or the fact that it was early morning with the sky just beginning to look a dark baby blue.

You felt blessed the moment you managed to throw up into the toilet without missing.

"Holy fucking shit.." You sputtered out, just the taste alone on your tongue was making you just throw up even more. You didn't care when leaning your chin on the toilet seat just staring ahead at the underside of the lid.

There was a knock on the wall outside of the bathroom and you turned your head to find Xion standing there with a concerned look on her face. "Hey, how are you feeling?"

Blinking sleepily you couldn't help but narrow your eyes at the female. There was a question running through your head like a red fucking flag. How the hell did she get into the apartment. About to open your mouth to ask the question something else hit you like a bag of bricks.

You felt like shit.

You felt.

Standing up you decided to flush the toilet and brushed your teeth quickly, looking into the mirror. "I feel.. Sick." You whispered looking at Xion with awe. "I'm sick." You murmured again with a grin splitting across your face. "How? A couple weeks ago I couldn't feel anything, hot or cold, starving or content."

Instead Xion only smiled and shook her head. "How about toast? That's something to help calm a stomach." You watched as she turned around to walk back down the hallway.

Glancing back into the mirror you wondered what changed, the only thing that could have been affected was when you collapsed in the kitchen. It was a long shot ㅡ the lack of memories could cause you to feel less human, that there was such an emotional and physical block with your memories that caused you to feel.. Not so much like yourself.

The mirror's reflection frowned, the inner conflictions showing on your physical appearance. Only after reading that report did you feel strange, different. Like someone took a huge ass manual and decided to beat you upside the head.

It wasn't any manual, is was Xehanort's report that did it.

Chewing on the inside of your cheek, it was odd that something about the inner workings of the heart and about Kingdom Hearts. There was something more familiar about the term, as if you knew it on a more personal level.

Instead you founder yourself sighing to yourself, more so in frustration. All of a sudden the smell of food wafted into the bathroom and that's when for the first time in a long time, that you could feel your stomach beginning to growl.

A smile touched your face as you pressed your hand against your stomach. "About time, huh?" You mused, walking out of the bathroom and toward the kitchen. Xion stood there humming along as she was making other food, breakfast, for the two of you. Toast, bacon and scrambled eggs.

"It smells amazing!" You said loudly, sitting at the island to already begin the feasting upon the bacon that was already finished. Xion's bright blue eyes glimmered in the morning light that was coming in the window. "I don't think I've ever seen you this hungry."

The comment was odd, a flag that you pushed back in the furthest part of your mind. You honestly can't remember the last time you were this hungry. Looking down at the scrambled eggs and toast that you put on your plate, you could feel your shoulders weighing down upon you.

Something else was in the back of your head and it was right there.

"Hey, Xiㅡ," Looking up, there was no one else in the room but yourself. Frying pan sitting on the island beside you with extra bacon and eggs mixed in together. Two more pieces of toast sitting on a paper plate in front of the red ceramic plate in front of you.  

A blank spot in your memory of you were just talking to. You knew Xion had been there right with you, talking to one another. You weren't going crazy, there was no way. Xion existed and it wasn't bullshit.

Sighing you just huffed and shoved another piece of bacon into your mouth. "Maybe I'm just food deprived."

Man, you couldn't believe that at one point, you never ate a thing.

Tapping your fingers against the island counter top. Sighing you leaned back against the back support of the bar chair. Glancing out the living room window, you shook your head and decided on something.

Maybe you needed a '[Name]' day.

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