Episode 32 Season 2: Bloodlines

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Robin: What's a meta-gene?

Beast Boy: (nudging Robin) Never met-a-gene I didn't like!


Beast Boy: Well, I guess we found our unknown energy impulse.

Impulse: Impulse? Hmm. Like it, that's so crash...catchy...dramatic...one word. Like Nightwing, and Robin, and Beast Boy. 'Cept that's two words. Blue Beetle's two words. Hey, is he here too? Never mind. "Impulse" can find that out for himself. Ha ha ha! [zooms off]


Red Arrow: I still don't buy it, Chesh. It's too easy. The good guys have been looking for the real Roy Harper for years. And suddenly you...

Cheshire: I go to places the good guys don't.


Robin: You're a tourist from the future?

Impulse: Why so surprised? Half the meat at Comic-Con are from my era.


Beast Boy: (On Impulse being The Flash's grandson) Noted...not believed...but noted.

Impulse: What's not to believe? I clearly have Flash's speed, his amazing good looks...frankly I can't wait to meet him...you know back when he was in his prime.


Impulse: I know stuff a future boy would know: (points to Nightwing) Dick Grayson, (points to Robin) Tim Drake, (points to Beast Boy) Garfield Logan.

Beast Boy: Your name's Tim?...And yours is Dick?

Impulse: Oops...spoilers...secret identity thing is so retro.


Robin: Is it possible he might actually be telling the truth? Could he really be from the future?

Beast Boy: Tell us something we don't know yet, when do I become leader of the team? When do I join the Justice League? When do I get my own reality series?

Impulse: Sorry BB. Never was the best history student. Besides, we can't risk altering the time stream. We do that and we're all feeling the mode.

Beast Boy: And the mode...would be bad?


Impulse: Ohhh...Sounds like a door opening somewhere...aaannnddd that's my cue. (vibrates his wrists and ankles to get out of the cuffs) Bye bye (Sprints past Mal Duncan) Hi now...bye now

Beast Boy:(giving chase) Don't worry, the peregrine falcon is the world's fastest bird...he won't get away (morphs into a falcon)

Robin: Doesn't stand a chance...does he?

Nightwing: Nope. Impulse is too fast.


Jay Garrick: Uh, Barry? Something you've been meaning to tell us?

Barry Allen: What? No! This kid is not my grandson from any - uh when. Heck! Iris and I don't have any kids.

Iris West-Allen: Um, Barry?

Barry Allen: What?

Iris West-Allen: I'm pregnant.

Barry Allen: What?

Iris West-Allen: I jut found out this morning. I was going to tell you tonight - [Iris glances to side towards Impulse] in private.

Impulse: (waving to Iris's stomach) Hi, dad! Hi, aunt Dawn!

Barry Allen: Wait! There are two in there?

Iris West-Allen: We're having twins!?

Impulse: Oops! Spoilers.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2017 ⏰

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