Episode 30 Season 2: Salvage

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Conner Kent: Shield's great. But it won't stop a space ship. Or a boom tube.

Blue Beetle: What's a boom tube?

Scarab: [Heard only by Jamie] Boom tube. An alternate means of instant transport between distant locations. Not compatible.

Blue Beetle: Not compatible with what? I swear I don't understand half the things you say!

Mal Duncan: Feeling's mutual.


Blue Beetle: (Fighting a giant of wood, metal, stone, and crystal) What is that thing?

Scarab: Appellaxian Golem.

Blue Beetle: You know, I'm bilingual, and I still have no idea what you just said.

Scarab: Irrelevant. Attack!

Blue Beetle: Okay, that I get.


Blue Beetle: How are the ears?

Superboy: Fine! Oh, ugh, fine. But what were you thinking using sonics against an Appellaxian?

Blue Beetle: Dude. Never even heard of the Apple-laxative before tonight...

Superboy: You freshman never do the homework. Haven't you read the case file on the League's first mission? Haven't you taken the guided tour of the Hall?

Blue Beetle: Those are rhetorical questions, right?


Scarab: That tactic would be more effective if you fired through bone.

Blue Beetle: Ugh. No!

Superboy: Blue, let's go. Fight your inner demons later.

Blue Beetle: Demon. Singular. One's enough, believe me.


Nightwing [To Red Arrow]: You're our friend. Just because you're a clone with anger issues doesn't change that.

Wally West: Seriously. Have you met Superboy?


Sportsmaster: Why blow up Gruesome? Seems like a wasted resource.

Partner: A resource falling into enemy hands is a resource best disposed of.

Sportsmaster: Partner, I like the way you think.


Blue Beetle: It was alive. And now it's gone. Who attacked? Who killed it?

Superboy: Something ugly.


Wally West: Hey, it's after midnight. Happy Valentine's Day, Artemis.

Artemis Crock: You remembered.

Wally West: Come on! What kind of jerk would I be if I forgot Valentine's Day?...For the fifth year in a row?

Artemis Crock: Well, I remembered, too. I got you your favorite food. Everything.

Wally West: Babe, you rock.


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