Episode 29 Season 2: Alienated

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Aquaman: Nice aim.

Superman: X-ray vision. I cheat.


Wonder Girl: That was amazing! You just--you just poosh and then--and then--bang...

Wonder Woman: A little less "fangirl," a little more "Wonder Girl."

Wonder Girl: Right, sorry.


Manta: Manta to Partner: The base has been infiltrated. Abort operation!

Partner: Partner to Manta: The device is already primed. You have fives minutes. Get your men out. The bomb will take care of the rest.

Manta: Perfect.


Aquaman: [Kaldur'ahm is exposed as a traitor] I had not believed Nightwing until this moment.

Kaldur'ahm: You did not want to believe!

Superboy: None of us wanted to believe this! How could you betray us?

Kaldur'ahm: You dare question me? After all of you let Tula die!

Nightwing: Kaldur, that was a mission! Aquagirl knew the risks, no one wanted...

Lagoon Boy: Neptune's beard! Don't coddle this traitor! He has joined forces with our king's greatest enemy!

Kaldur'ahm: Do you mean the king who hid from me the true identity of my father?

Aquaman: That was my error of judgement, Kaldur'ahm. No one else need suffer for it.

Kaldur'ahm: All will suffer if Black Manta demands it. Blood is thicker than seawater.


Superboy: How long will you be gone?

Superman: However long it takes, Kon-El. But we will be back, little brother.


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