Episode 28 Season 2: Earthlings

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Beast Boy: Whoa. I am totally walking on an alien planet. Wow, sis, you must say that, like, everyday on Earth.

Miss Martian: Actually, I kind of do. (ruffles his hair)

Beast Boy: Wait, we can breathe the air here, right? (clutches throat)


Adam Strange: I'm still figuring out the language. This is usually when we start playing Charades.


Adam Strange: Beware the Jabberwocky, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun the frumious Bandersnatch!...No time to say hello. Good-bye. I'm late, I'm late! And down the Rabbit hole I go!

Alanna: Jabberwock? Bandersnatch?

Beast Boy: Well, his last name is "Strange."


Beast Boy: (telepathically) Hey sis, remember that time you and Superbly visited me in Qurac? He picked flowers that were really poison sumac.

Miss Martian: (telepathically) That was a long time ago, Gar.


Superboy: It's complicated. And weird.

Alanna: Hey, I have a crush on an alien from another planet. Who am I to judge?


Beast Boy: (on the dangers of carnivorous trees) No worry...you can give me another blood transfusion...wonder what power I'd get this time?

Miss Martian: The power to listen to your adoptive sister maybe?.

Beast Boy: Sorry...didn't hear that


Beast Boy: They still trying to capture us, or is it just a bitter revenge thing now?

Superboy: Either way, we discourage them. Game?

Beast Boy: Me? I'm big game.


Superboy: Kid, you may just change my mind about monkeys yet!


This chapter is dedicated to Kit_Kat_That for all the support she has given me on my first book

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