Hermione smiled after him but then turned to look at her friends.

Harry was still avoiding her eye but the red heads meet her eyes.

"I'm sorry guys it's just, well he's Snape!"

"Sad but true" Ron nodded indulgently. He moved closer and patted her back.

Hermione turned and buried herself in to his uniform. The tears gushed out, she'd been holding them in since she had left the dark man's dungeon and now with the release of her friends finally knowing, she couldn't contain the flood any longer.

"Oh Ron! I thought you would be the least understanding! y-you know with o-our history!"

Ron hugged her.

"Herm, I'm just glad you're over me. I was worried when you didn't have anyone now when I got Tara..."

"But its Snape!" she wailed

He laughed, uncomfortable again "Yes it regrettably is.. buuut and there is a light here! He did save my brother."

Hermione laughed, tears trickling from her eyes.

"True, and I clearly like them tall" she gave Ron a meaningful look.

He blushed and nodded playfully.

"He's brave too"

Hermione turned and smiled at Ginny.

"Seventeen years lying to You-Know-Who isn't cowardly." The girl smiled.

"Thank you Ginny" Hermione sniffed "it means a lot to me"

They hugged as well.

Then Hermione looked at Harry. He didn't return her gaze.


He sighed and looked down at his hands. Her eyes were still a bit much apparently, that stung.

"Hermione, it's not that I don't.. you know, I still care for you. But as you say...It's Snape."

That stung even worse.

"oh okay" She looked away from him.

"I was happy to see him alive back when you saved his life but.. well.. I thought he would be different. That he would stop pretending to be a bustard but he didn't, he just turned out to be a bustard, period. And I just feel like he's going to hurt you Hermione. For that matter he already has. On a number of occasions. He's not worthy you." Harry explained

"Thank you...I suppose Harry. But I can't help it. I'm in love with him Harry"

"I get that but. He hasn't been nice to you. At all."

"But if he had been? If he had been nice to me but a bustard to everyone else? Would that have been okay?" she asked him.

He glanced up at her, it was nice to see his eyes "I guess..." he didn't sound to sure "I suppose there is no other way for him to be nice. than privately nice, I mean."

She smiled and whipped at her tears. "That'll do Harry, that'll do."

There was a knock at the door.

"Come" Hermione shimmed.

Neville cracked open the door and looked around the room.


"Yes Nev?" she could se him talking in her swollen and red streamed eyes.

"Um..I'm sorry but, the headmistress wants you in her office now"

Dance With A SerpentDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora