The Prince in the Black Cloak

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Walking along a deserted corridor. Patrolling. Boring, stupid patrolling. But, it was her own fault for walking on her own this evening. Since Malfoy had come on to her last night it had been rather strange hanging around him. She was not his type!? What had he meant by that?

Malfoy wasn't gay... He couldn't be...could he? NO! He wasn't. What a stupid notion.

Hermione waved the thought away, and as soon as she did so a more familiar thought crept back in to her mind.

She winced at the far too familiar image of her barely-covered professor.

Why had she even tried to perceive Snape as handsome? It had been stupid. It was obvious from the mirror that she would find him attractive if she tried and now... now she couldn't see him as anything but handsome.

Sure, he was a mean old bugger... but she had brought him back to life and she was falling in... NO! No she wasn't! SHE WASN'T! She was only crushing on him. Only.... She sighed and slumped down on a bench.

Why couldn't things be like they used to? Harry saving the world, and she and Ron fumbling with feelings. Now the war was over and things had changed. She was eighteen, still in school and crushing on her teacher, how humiliating. She wished the dark haired man would stop messing with her mind.

She looked down at her watch. Her shift would soon end.

She stood up and walked slowly back.

He could have had the decency to change into a more pleasant fellow now that the Dark Lord was gone. He should be happy, being free from spying and scheming.... Free from keeping up the pretences. Maybe if you play at something for too sticks.

He must really be a lonely miserable old bat.

She sighed again. What in this world had possessed her soul to like his soul? Was it not as damaged and miserable as its container? Or did her soul suffer from the nurse complex?

She gave her own wit a half-hearted smile as she descended the stairs.

Someone else's steps echoed from down below. A rustle from a billowing robe. She rolled her eyes. Just her luck.

If she stood still he might pass without noticing her.

As she stopped and listened to his assent, she could almost hear him striding.

And sure enough it was her soul's desire that came walking out from a nearby gallery.

She wasn't surprised to see him with a stash of books under his arm. Snape was probably preparing a new book clutter in his rooms.

He hadn't seen her, which was a relief at least. Hermione looked down at her self, she was crouching. If he noticed her now, he would see that she was hiding from him. She wouldn't hear the end of it.

And why was she hiding? She had all right to walk past him without acknowledged him!

She stretched and walked confidently down the stairs.

He looked up at her. Most likely alerted by her descending steps.

His eyes...NO! Get a grip girl!

She gave him a curt nod, as her heart mysteriously missed a beat.

He nodded back without stopping. That was a bit odd that he admitted her presence....

She smiled secretly as she happily skipped over a trick step in the stair. No need to pull her out this time!

Bad idea skipping. It's hard to find your footing on a staircase when you hop around stupidly.

She fell.

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