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A week leisurely went past. Couples were in an abundance around the school ever since the vile dance.

Hermione couldn't walk anywhere without spotting some lovesick duo holding hands and nuzzling etch other just because their love was easy and undoubtedly returned.

She was well now. Magical medicine was magical after all. She could walk, jump and even crawl if she liked to.

The brunette had a sneaking suspicion that the Hogwarts staircases had it in for her, so she was being extra careful around them these days.

The entire school knew now that she had just fallen down the stairs with a small concussion and a sprayed ankle, all by her own accord naturally. And everyone seemed to accept Hermione's vague story about not remembering how she got to the hospital wing.

Malfoy was silent about it since he didn't want the wrath of Professor Snape on him, no matter if the man loved Hermione or no. the professor would see it at the very least as a murder attempt and flog the poor boy.

Seamus and Greengrass were quite, first off: they didn't know the particulars and secondly: they didn't raise the subject in fear of it spilling out who they were with on the night in question.

And Severus Snape had also remained quiet for reasons all his own.

The head girl was almost sure he loved her. Well actually her logic fought her on every point but even a logical and reasonable girl in her late teens are allowed a bit of silliness if she wants some.

Her favourite memories of the dear professor played themselves through her mind like a well watched cinematic montage.

First was him in the mirror of Freja, behind his desk looking mysterious and smiling at her. Then came the frustrated and angry man opening his door wet and in only a towel. The third on this picture reel was them dancing together, kissing... here smells and feelings flooded the image, making the walking girl sigh dreamily, and fourthly but not lastly was him rescuing her just the other week. Him, Severus holding her close and begging Hermione not to leave him. The smell of him, the sincerity of his voice his protective arms, all this made her swirl.

He might not know he was in love with her but Hermione knew very well that there was only one man for her and he was a grumpy old bugger who would dig in his nails before she could have him. Ha! She was a Gryffindor and she would lift mountains to get what she wanted, his foolish nails were no match. At least that was her feelings in the now.

In this high spirit our heroine danced her way down the corridor ahead of her. She twirled past a particular window in which the headmistress had memorialised the figure of Hermione's beloved jumping out said window.

The head girl blew it a kiss. A late teen is allowed her chare of silliness as previously mentioned.

Hermione composed herself as she reached yet another flight of stairs, wretched stairs...

Not only were they evil but a lovey-dovey pair was giggling themselves up it.

Her mood darkened.

She reminded herself what her mission was and her composure settled. This was not the time to blow kisses at different shaded glass in windows.

This was a time for action.

She was heading down to the dungeons.

Since Hermione was the head girl, one of her privileges was to know all of the teachers' schedules. Professor Snape was just about to end his last class of the day, he was also about to be intercepted by a young woman.

They were going to Talk. Capital T in talk.

Fourth year Slytherins and Gryffindors milled out form the class room. Some nodded to her or in other small ways acknowledged her standing there.

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