The Truth

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It was later. All four of them sat in the head's common room as Hermione tried to fill them in on the latest weeks' events.

Her friends sat silent.

Ron looked uncomfortably at her as she explained. Ginny sat staring at her hands, listening intently and Harry seemed to be looking at anything but Hermione. He hadn't spoken one word. Not one.

It was uncomfortable to tell them. Unravel all her lies.

Well except maybe a few.

No need to get Malfoy in to trouble about her bone-braking and Seamus story wasn't hers to tell.

It was worse telling them about dancing with the professor on the balcony and then pure torture about this noon when she had spilled her guts to the man in the dungeon.

Nearly an hour after they had dragged themselves up to the head's quarters there was a creak at the door.

They turned, Malfoy walked though the entrance.

He looked about as happy as a man informed that he would soon be dying a very painful and vivid death that would be dragged out for days.. Which is not happy at all.

Ginny rolled her eyes but didn't look at either of the head's.

"Oh right, he lives here too" she muttered without bothering to hide her distain.

Malfoy glanced at them but headed towards the stairs leading up to his room.

Ron saw his chance. No need to slip up an opportunity like this.

"Oy Malfoy," he barked. Malicious grin all over his face. It was nice to see a real smile enter the room Hermione observed.

Draco stopped and gave Ron a dead stare.

Ron continued his smile "How does it feel to know your ex would rather sleep with Snape than you?" Ron asked not so tactfully.

Draco raised an eyebrow. "Right back at ya"

That shut Ron up.

"Come here Malfoy, we're story telling and this last part you should hear too"

Draco hesitated and looked longingly up his staircase but walked over to the four Gryffindors. He didn't sit down. Probably as a protest or something.

And Hermione rounded off her story with what happened before and after she and Winter entered the great hall.

Draco huffed and pulled his hand through his hair. "Nice" he said sarcastic "You thought I was gay and she thought I was sleeping with you"

Harry looked up

"You aren't Gay?" it was his first words since Hermione had seen him today and it almost startled her.

"Yeah you wish Potter." Draco scoffed and glared at the messy haired boy.

"Fuck No, that would be a turned and twisted world" the hero muttered and took a protective grip around Ginny's waist.

Draco winked at him and made mock kissing noises towards the other boy. Harry tried to ignore him but Hermione could see that the grip around Ginny's waist grew more intent.

"You know what really bugs me Hermione" Ginny had had practise ignoring boys.

Hermione turned to her friend

"..that you felt you couldn't tell us." Ron finished for his sister

Draco looked between them.

"Well Granger, see you later, I got stuff to do." He hurried up to his room, leaving them room to talk.

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