"You didn't tell Red-head about your boyfriend, nice to know I'm not the only one in the dark."

"Change subject Malfoy or I'm going to kick you." He sniggered and changed position so he sat on the armrest, there she wouldn't reach him with her legs.

"Let's see who it can be shall we?" he wiggled hi eyebrows conspiratorially towards her, she sighed exasperated and turned to look in to the sofas back.

"Well if your previous boyfriends are anything to go by, you like 'em tall..."

"Didn't know you kept a record of my relationships Malfoy."

"Don't flatter yourself Granger, you've only dated celebrities, Victor Krum and the world saving sidekick."

"Stop calling Ron a sidekick." Malfoy completely ignored her

"So tall and preferably famous. Can't believe anyone would want to date Weasley but they do breed, so some people will I guess. Anyhow... I don't think I can narrow it down by looks since Krum is an awesome quidditch player and alleged girl magnet and Weasley looks like crap"

"I'm warning you Malfoy drop this" Hermione lifted herself on to her elbows to be able to glare at him.

"I would personally guessed you wanted someone brainy, must be tired of Wealeys idiot talk"

"Ron is not dumb." She rolled her eyes

"Oh I'm getting no where with this" Malfoy seemed a bit annoyed under his clear enjoyment of tormenting her.


Malfoy sat silent for a while and Hermione hoped that he had hit a wall in his annoying inquires after her mirror partner. But alas no

"Let's see, you where at the dance, and you did dance with someone. You said so yourself and I saw you. Hmmm..." he stopped and thought then continued slowly "When the dance started you and I where the last at our respective tables after Finnigan and Daphne took to the floor..."

"Don't strain yourself" she muttered darkly at his slow voice and sat up, he couldn't get something out of that, she hadn't been seen with Snape at all that night.

"After that..? I saw you again! Yes I did. You where talking to Winter!"

Hermione froze. Oh no hadn't thought of her...

"Why were you talking to Winter?" he turned to look at her. "With that pull shouldn't you have been looking for...your.." His trailed off as he put two and two together.

He stared at her and she looked away.

"No!" he said shocked. She refused to confirm anything. "Tall, famous and Brainy to boot. All in one Granger, congrats.." he didn't sound happy, still only shocked.

She stood up.

"I'm going to go now." Her voice was monotone and void of all emotions of variations.

"This is unbelievable."

As she was heading up her stairs his voice call after her, new found shock in it.

"Hey! Doesn't that mean Snape sees you too?"

The anger the frustration, the unauthorised wish to lash out at something. She turned

"Yes Draco, yes. Professor Snape sees me. We see etch other me and Snape. And there is nothing I would rather want than to have that mean old sod swooping in here and kissing me right now."

Malfoy hadn't dropped the shocked look. He made some attempts to speak than he shook himself.

"But that nose? And that hair?"

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