David's Poem.

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There once was a David who freely,

Read poems that were rather seedy.

He said to friend:

"I do like the ends,

But he's not exactly Seamus Heaney."

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When pressed did our Dave,

Decide to be brave and said:

"I like it, I do, but his literature crimes, 

they extend to the use of half-rhymes."

"Heaney, seedy and and freely don't rhyme and he should know it."

"He should be like me, the laureate poet."

Angry Dave took his glasses off, and rubbed them upsetly.

"I really feel that Charlie is out to get me."

"All he does is mock people online,

His work is actually quite far from just fine."

David donned his spectacles, 

And thought more of the spectacle.

"He can't use a metric, his phrasing's ecclectic."

"And he uses words for their sake like 'obstetric'."

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