Saddle Up.

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Saddle up, I take the reins, we're going on a journey. And if you think you're getting out, you're leaving on a gurney. 

I will throw swift words you can't dodge, lodge themselves in the lodge of your mind, mind you it's probably a ramshackle inn next to my rambling, whilst I've got a brain you've just got a cavern boiled down to a pool from your trips to the tavern.

And I get more attention, not to mention the heads that turn til' their necks turn red, a matter of degrees away from dead, and they drop dead just like Fred. Mayall's mail's still unopened.

Okay then, now that your jaw has dropped, because I kid you not, I forgot. Forgot to be offended, bended  the rules just like then when the English language was rended. And rendering you speechless or at least saying "speak less."

And I'm sorry you can't contain your own base feelings, reeling as if you're sniffing onion peelings with your salty little tears and you fear what I say because I never do, true I just don't care who I upset and without regret, I can tell you that saying "I'm offended" is weak and on a program last week, Stephen Fry gave his thoughts that it's a moot point, non-statement, a flagrant way to add nothing to a debate, rebating any points, and I just missed a quality conversation because you decided you were pissed.

Stop being such a little bitch.

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