Manny to the rescue

Começar do início

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT I DIDN'T GET THE BEAR!" Hiccup complained, gesturing to the nightmare Merida had.

Mor'du growled and posed for attack. Merida let out a shaky breath. It was her father who had killed Mor'du, not her.

The nightmares surrounded them. They didn't make a sound, except Red Death, who kept roaring at the sight of Toothless. Merida, Anna, Hiccup, Rapunzel, Elsa and Jack were pressed back to back, in a circle facing their enemies.

"Ready?" Jack asked quietly, letting go of Elsa's shaking hand. Everyone nodded tensely back at him.

Then the fight broke out.

Rapunzel used her frying pan and tried to hit Mother Gothel in the face but she kept missing. She was also swinging around on her hair as Dark Mother Gothel shot black sand at her.

Merida was shooting arrows everywhere, trying to help her friends and kill Mor'du but Mor'du was even stronger when he turned into a shadow every time she tried to shoot him.

Anna had no weapons so she stayed close to Elsa, who was managing Hans and Dark Jack at the same time. But ever since she had broken out of the sands control of her body, she was still weak and her ice was coming out as faint flickers, while Dark Hans and Jack were shooting black sand and smirking at her.

Jack was trying to freeze Dark Elsa and also trying to help Hiccup with Red Death. Red Death was trying to burn Toothless, who was shooting plasma blasts all over the place.

Everywhere, to make it worse, nightmare horses appeared making the good guys fight harder. Elsa looked like she was going to collapse any minute while Anna looked terrified the sight of Hans and the giant dragon.

"LOOK OUT!" Anna suddenly screamed when Red Death shot the ceiling with a fire ball.

The ceiling started to crumble, falling down on them. Rapunzel quickly swung out of the way while Hiccup jumped on Toothless and grabbed Merida. Jack flew out and tried to get Pitch.

"Darn it!" Jack cursed as the ceilings dust clouded his vision. It was still crumbling, the cracks getting bigger when Rapunzel cried out:

"Where's Anna and Elsa?"


Anna couldn't stop sobbing which didn't help at all.

Elsa was trying her hardest to protect her but, from the lack of power, Elsa had collapsed just as the ceiling started to crumble. Anna tried desperately to drag Elsa out of the way.

Just then, the ceiling fell, right on top of them.


Elsa was swimming in and out of consciousness.

She could see her sisters face sobbing but she couldn't move. Her limbs were refusing to move from the lack of energy. Her vision was blurry.

"Elsa...Elsa please get up..." Anna's voice sounded so far away.

Suddenly, Elsa saw something fall. Her mouth went dry and heart pumped with fear. It was big, and Elsa couldn't make out what it was.


Black and white stars appeared before Elsa's eyes. She tried to scream but her mouth wouldn't open.


That what Elsa felt next. That big thing fell right on her and her head started to scream in pain. Elsa let our a small gasp. It hurt.

Make it stop! Her body screamed, but the pain increased. Something warm oozed on her forehead. It trickled down to her temple.

Blood, Elsa thought. But she still couldn't move. Her body wanted to sleep so bad but she would not allow it to. Elsa. couldn't see Anna anymore. Her vision was blurry and the ceiling was swaying.

Then she saw it.

A light.

The bright light above her. The one she saw in the North mountain. The one that brought her into this mess. If it brought her here maybe it could help her get out.

"Help..." Was all Elsa could whisper.

Her mind shut down and brought her into a deep and painful sleep.


Rapunzel had seen that light.

The light she saw that had brought her here. Into to this chaos. They were supposed to be searching for Anna and Elsa in the wreckage. Bit the light was alluring. It called to her, somehow, telling her that it could help.

Rapunzel trusted the light.

It shone above the wreckage, it's glow filtering through the hole Red Death had made in the ceiling. Weren't they underground? Must have been a pretty deep hole.

Rapunzel felt the temperature rise,like she had felt when she first saw it. Except now she wasn't panicking. She was calm.

The last thing she saw was the others around her. Their eyes were shut away from the blinding light. Jack, Anna, Merida, Hiccup, Toothless and...


Something was wrong with her.

But before Rapunzel could figured out what, she and shut her eyes. The lighter was getting too bright.

Rapunzel drifted off to sleep...


Pitch howled in fury.

All those little brats had disappeared in a flash of bright light.

But how..?

The Man in the Moon.

Of course, Manny is always interrupting plans. Pitch looked up to the ceiling. The damage was pretty deep and the moon shone brightly above him. The Moon had helped those brats.

"Think that's going to make me quit?" Pitch snarled.

The moon seemed to shine even brighter, as if it was mocking him.


Yo'z, Luna here! *Toasts blood in glass*

Wanna find out where Manny took them?

Where do you think Manny took them?

How are they going to defeat Pitch?


have no idea

where these crazy thoughts are coming from...





Merged Worlds  (Book 1) [Editing]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora