I story i didn't finish

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I wrote this when i was nine so i didn't finish or even have a plan but i might rewrite it corretly sooooo don't steal any parts of this story!!!

What Any Other Author Would Call a Prologue I Call a Part of the Book that Takes Up Space!

I’ve never done this so it will be a roller coaster of things I fine important, but hey you need to be warned about your possible fate. Well the 50% of you that felt a chill when I said that will soon know what I’m talking about or already knew but the other half that said “what you say worn me about what?” well your downright lucky!  Still you don’t understand yet do you, huh I’ve done this about 5 seconds and I’m making mistakes, o well. Well frankly put this book is about Kirpers, a school, my three friends and me (you’ll meet them soon don’t worry). So your thinking “o great a book for mushy girls” yea well I’m not that type of girl. I find myself a butt kicking, sword wheeling girl, that wants to be a, what… I know a regular girl that’s put modestly. Hey I can’t change what I am neither can you if you’re one of us. If you’re just normal (I was once sort of) and you think this book will be good or a friend recommended it (then I like your friend) then go on skip this prologue you don’t need to know but those that know or feel compelled to fined the secrets in these pages read on. So you decided to read more well I mention kirpers well they hate everything and everyone their full name is Kirpernights. Well there are a lot of different kinds of kirpers like your common dragons, or the simply Cyclops, basically monsters (though some that are in this book have never been hear of by outsiders).  Well this, school look if you want, is hidden it only revels itself to those who need its protection and understand that they need to go. I almost didn’t I took a leap of faith but in the end my feet hit ground safely for that moment.

I fail to see a tornado

nce pone a time there was- if you have any parents you would have heard that line in fairy tales and fantasies. My tale is what you’d call a fairy tale a myth, fantasy but if you do believe in magic and adventure then my tale will come as an interest to you. I am Alaska an 11 year old girl in 6th grade with nothing to lose. I mean my life couldn’t get worse after you get kick out of school after school (twelve I think) and your parents think you’re a devil. When I tried to be good things got worse like once I tried to help the cooks make a cake, and after it was eaten eight kids got food poisoning. Or when I was helping clean, a vase from down the hall from where I was, was thrown by some unseen force almost hitting me I might add and scents I went to see what happened when other got there they blamed me. Even once we were on a field trip to an art museum a statue fell that I was next to and knocked down another and started a domino effect. I also got in a ton of fights and I mostly won but even if I didn’t I got blamed plus I hardly ever started them. I thought differently than other kids that might be why a got in so much more trouble that braking things and posing kids, I wasn’t mean or snotty I was well different. I thought everything out so I could have a good exclamation but I sometimes over thought it. Also when other girls were dreaming of prince charming, prom and being popular I was thinking about kicking prince Charmin’s butt, being a spy at prom and being the least popular. I always wonder what it would feel like to be a knight, or a spy. The only problem was knights were 2000 years ago and being a spy was not going to happen because I was as stealthy as an elephant! I loved books, leading me in to the heat of battle or killing monsters (now I know they were actually kirpers) single handedly. Kids at the school thought I was weird when I read, but it was my way of shutting them out. People were sure nothing good would come from me and I believed them but when my chance can I took it.

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