Untitled Part 24

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"All I want is a brief presentation on something interesting about your mum or dad." Mr Porter often questioned his choice of career, when he had to ask the class to do anything out of the ordinary. They hated change. "What's so difficult about that?"

Millie didn't know what was so difficult. Nothing in English ever troubled her. She had a number of scenarios ready, and wasn't sure which one she would use when her turn came.

"Chunk, you're up first." Mr Porter chose at random.

"Oh not me, sir. I'm rubbish," Chunk protested.

"I'm sure you're not." Mr Porter stood firm. "You've had a week to prepare and all I'm asking for is five minutes. Come and stand at the front, please."

Chunk dragged herself to the guillotine, and began to read from her notebook in a monotone. "My mum is Mavis Micklewhite. She is a nurse at Bognor hospital. She looks after old people when they have gone mad." The class erupted into laughter.

Millie tuned out after that and concentrated on her own presentation.

Suddenly she had an idea. It just appeared, and she kicked it around for a few minutes to make sure it would work. It wouldn't be easy but there were no problems that couldn't be overcome. She allowed herself to bask in the satisfaction of how beautiful this was all going to be; then tuned back in to hear the end of Penny's presentation. "Like, my dad did his exams at Boggy College at night and now he is an insurance undertaker." The class laughed and Penny bowed proudly.

"It's all sorted." Barry was well pleased with himself. They were in McDonalds again, now decorated with Christmas tat, and Millie was slurping on a chocolate milkshake. "Elaine took it to the TV people and they agreed to commission it immediately."

"Cool." Millie wanted to turn cartwheels, but had to show she was mature about such things. I've created a TV series and they're really going to make it. All because of my idea! Hurrah!

"All it needs now is for you to write the bloody thing."

"No problem." Millie assured him. I hope I don't get writers' block now.

Millie Hardiman and the Red Parrot FeverWhere stories live. Discover now