Chunk Sees Red - Part 10

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"Let me know when she's ready to start a fight," Millie said to Penny, without looking up from her Kindle. It was the last Sunday in September, and the girls were watching Chunk play for the Bognor Ladies Sharks - Under 14's. Much as Millie hated football, it was always entertaining to watch Chunk turn into a mad woman on the pitch. So, if the weather was nice and Chunk's team were playing on the school field, Millie and Penny sometimes ventured out on a Sunday afternoon.

Penny nudged Millie's arm. "Here we go."

Chunk was in debate with the assistant referee, a plump young woman, just down the line from them. "What part of offside don't you understand?" Chunk asked pleasantly. "I can help you with anything you're struggling with."

The assistant referee who was one of the other team's mum's was in no mood for cheek. "Get away from me now, number ten, or I'll have you booked!"

Chunk shook her sadly at the woman and then ran back on the pitch.

"She's just getting warmed up," Penny said happily.


Five minutes later Millie was roused from her book by a loud shout of "Penalty!" She looked up in time to see Chunk helping a much taller, ginger girl off of the floor, whilst the referee was brandishing a bit of yellow paper at Chunk. "What's going on?" she asked Penny.

"Chunk just kicked that big girl really hard," Penny grinned. "It was great!"

Millie watched the game for a few minutes as the other team scored their penalty. Chunk seemed to be everywhere at once. She was constantly shouting at her team and once again Millie marvelled at her energy. As she watched, Chunk burst through on goal, and the big girl with ginger hair that Chunk had kicked earlier, ran into her and barged her over.

Millie shouted indignantly, "Foul!" Then turned to Penny. "That's right isn't it? That's what you shout?"

Penny shrugged. "Sounds ok to me," and joined in. "Hey, foul! Referee!" Then to Millie, "Look, she's going for her. Get her, Chunk!" she cried excitedly.

Chunk had leapt from the ground and dived at the ginger girl knocking her down. In a second, she was on top of her and punching her as the big girl tried to throw her off. Millie and Penny jumped up and down shouting with glee.

The referee and her assistant dragged the angry girls apart and told them to shake hands. "I'm not shaking hands with her!" Chunk wasn't happy. "She fouled me!"

On the side-lines, Chunk's friends continued to yell their support. "Go on Chunk! You tell her!" They giggled helplessly and held on to each other for support.

"Shake hands or you're off." The referee was still holding both girls. The ginger girl held her hand out and Chunk slapped it away. "No way!" Chunk was adamant.

Millie and Penny howled with laughter. "You go, bad girl!" Penny shouted.

The referee showed Chunk the red card. "I can't believe my own mum would send me off," Chunk said angrily to the ref, before stamping off of the pitch.

Millie Hardiman and the Red Parrot FeverWhere stories live. Discover now