#61 | Kidnapped In NY

Start from the beginning

I nodded and continued to eat my ice cream.

"Yeah, I can come... That sounds lit..." He spoke into the phone. "Yeah, I'll be right over. See you in a bit man.... Bye." He hung up, looking down at me.

"What's new with Sam and Kat?" I put another spoonful of cookie dough ice cream into my mouth.

"Sam wants me to come with him to the gifting suite because Kat's not feeling good. You wanna come with?" He licked cherry-chocolate ice cream off his spoon.

"No, I should go check on Kat and make sure she's okay." I decided. I scrolled through my contacts and texted her that I'd be on my way in a couple of minutes.

"Alright, babe." He smiled and stood up to throw away the trash. A few minutes later we stood outside the ice cream shop.

"Alright, so I'll take the subway to the gifting suite and meet Sam there. I'll call you an Uber to Kat's hotel." Colby pulled out his phone, tapping on the Uber app.

"Why can't we both just take the subway?"

"Because Kat's all the way at the hotel and the gifting suite is on Wall Street. It'll be completely in opposite directions, babe. I don't want you to take the subway and walk around the city on your own. It's getting dark and it would be kinda dangerous." He pulled me in for a hug, kissing my forehead.

"I can take care of myself, though." I looked up at him.

"But doesn't a comfortable, air conditioned Uber ride sound much better?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"True." I laughed.

When my Uber arrived, Colby began walking towards the nearest subway stairs.

"Hello." I smiled, getting into my Uber. The seats were smooth, glossy, black leather. It smelled like Hawaiian Breeze air freshener with a hint of cigarette smoke, and there was quiet music playing in the background.

The driver barely waved, immediately starting the car and driving off. I sat back and buckled my seatbelt, assuming he wasn't a fan of small talk.

A few minutes into the ride, he stopped at a red light. He turned his entire upper body to face me and smiled big.

"Hello, darling!" He greeted me. Late reaction much?

"Hi." I waved, smiling along. I stared at the light as it turned green. I pointed at it, hoping he'd turn around.

He turned slowly, not wiping the smile off his face. "Complementary gum?" He said, opening up the glove compartment and taking out a large container of bubble gum. Reaching his arm towards me, he swerved on the road a little bit, causing me to get kind of nervous.

I took it from his hand so that there would be no distraction from the road.

"Have some gum!" He smiled, his eyebrows curving up. "It's free! After all, that's what complementary means, huh?" He began chuckling and glancing at me through the rearview mirror.

Willing to do anything for it to stop, I nodded and awkwardly laughed. I took a strip of gum and placed it in my mouth. I put the container on the passengers seat and pulled out my phone. Trying to seem nonchalant, I sat back and texted Colby.

To: Colby 🖤🐨: my Uber driver's kinda strange lol...

Several seconds later, he replied.

From: Colby 🖤🐨: can't be as bad as the weirdos in L.A. 😂 let me know when you're with Kat, I'm not supposed to use my phone right now.

I slid my phone back in my pocket and looked forward. Suddenly my eyes began twitching and my vision slowly became blurry. It felt like I was starting to get a migraine. I could feel my head throbbing, so I tried to roll down my window to get some fresh air, although New York City air wasn't the freshest.

The driver quickly reached at his side and locked the windows from being able to be rolled down.

"Hey, I was trying to... get some air..." I looked at him.

"You dont look so good." He smiled. "Why don't you lay down for a bit." He kept looking at me through the rear view mirror, his smile slowly turning into a sinister smirk.

And that was the last thing I saw.

Smh I've had some weird Uber experiences before too tbh. Let me know your sketchy Uber experiences in the comments! 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

Who wants a part 2? 😳😱
Vote for pt. 2! 😏


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