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First of all, and I will only say this once:

DISCLAIMER: I do not own these characters Rick Riordan does

DISCLAIMER: Some of the plot I do not own, whoever owns Aladdin does

Though some of the plot belongs to whoever owns Aladdin, most of it I made up, it was more...inspired by Aladdin you could say. So don't be upset if it doesn't follow the plot of Aladdin.

With that said, Enjoy!

Percy's POV

I needed it. It's tempting aroma wafted over to me, making me sigh.

I wished I didn't have to.

It was fun, while it lasted. The feeling you get when you got away with it. The thrill of the chase.

But I still wasn't used to it.

Stealing for myself.

Before, It was just a given.

I had to steal, I needed to steal.

If I didn't steal, she would die.

But then she did die.

It wasn't unusual for poor people to die earlier than expected in Atlantis.

Infact, many did, of a disease called unismonitus

The disease was contagious and people who are poor didn't have the money to treat it.

Still, I never expected for her to catch it.

She was younger than most that had caught it.

Old people were much more likely to catch it because of their weak immune systems

Even though it wasn't that rare for people her age to catch it, I never really expect it to affect me and my family.

Until it did. Then, suddenly it became very, very real.

Then, suddenly I had limited time left with my mother.

Suddenly, my mother, the one who's always been the strongest, most fiery mother around, is curled up in a ball, coughing up blood.

And I didn't know what to do.

It had always been me and her, my whole life.

I didn't know what had happened to my father, or who he was, heck, I didn't even know what his name was.

All I knew was what my mother had told me.

That he was beautiful, kind, strong, wild, and untameable like the sea.

And that he loved me, but couldn't be with me.

So, basically I knew that I came from an affair.

And I was okay with that. I loved who I was, and I didn't care that I was a 'Illegitimate bastard child' or whatever.

But I was NOT okay with the fact he left my mother alone trying to raise a child. Didn't he understand what happened to single mothers out here?

No one wanted to marry someone who was already with child. It was a scandal! Mum was shamed, cast out, no one wanted her to spread the shame to the family.

I hated my father for leaving her. And I hated him even more for leaving my mother to constantly pine and stared with sad lovesick eyes, not even able to say one word against him, after all these years.

I knew it was all his fault she died.

Nico's POV

Ugh. Palace life is so boring, I thought

A Thief and  a Prince (Inspired by Aladdin)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن