Chapter 6: Revealed

Start from the beginning

5 minutes had passed and i saw a girl walking in the classroom, it was Rosa! was she new?? She looked super sleepy and grumpy walking towards my way. she sat on Flora's seat and automatically went to sleep. i was about to wake her up and tell her that that seat was taken when i got a text

"Dude! thats Flora! :o"Tyler texted. What??!! the cute girl that i talked to in the cafe was Flora!? but... but she was so nice! and friendly! and stylish! why would she put on this act?? i stared at Flora's beautiful sleepy face. her eyes were puffy, was she crying? the more i look at her, the more curious i got... an hour pass and Flora didn't move a muscle, only to breath.

The bell rang and she complained getting up and walked out. i quickly got up and caught up with her, tapping her shoulder. i saw her hips turn and was about to swing at me when i grabbed her arm. she looked at me in surprised with her beautiful eyes

"Whoa now Rosa, its just me, or should i even call you that?" i grinned, she had a lot of explaining to do, her face turned red. she looked down at herself. "I-I-I" she stuttered. i raised my brow waiting for an answer. before i knew it, she ran off. damn...

"Dude, can you believe that was Flora?" Tyler ask standing next to me

"oh god! don't sneak up on me like that!" i jumped. he laughed apologizing,

"my bad, lets talk about this at lunch! i got to get to class!" he ran off placing his pencil on his ear.

It was lunch time and i was in the lunch line about to grab some chicken nuggets when Brandy caught my attention. "hey" she winked,

"sup" i gave her a fake cocky smile, she seemed to like it, as i see her lower her shirt, oh god, they're so big...

"Coming to my party later right?" she asked touching my chest, i wasn't feeling comfortable.

"yeah, wouldn't miss it" i smiled,

"save me a dance" she winked paying for her salad and walking away with her mini skirt and heels.

I walked to my friends table in the middle of the cafeteria carrying my trey of food. Tyler was silent as everyone else was talking about their project. "you alright?" i asked Ty as i sat next to him. he looked at me

"I'm cool" he smiled full of happiness

"whoa, did you just go bipolar there?" i asked laughing. Julian ducked Ty's head

"Flora totally told him off! she went off on him!" he laughed amused. i blinked

"what did she say?" Julian let go of his head. he shook off the unexpected surprise

"i asked her why she chose to hide her true self and she said 'how about you shut the fuck?don't worry about me!' I was speechless after that and kinda got upset about it"he explained drinking his cola.

"it was fucking hilarious!" Julian laughed.

"huh.." i said "you said she goes to library during lunch right?" i asked

"yeah why?" Joshua asked

"ima go shee rer" i got up stuffing my food in my mouth. the guys laughed as i left with my back pack.

This school was huge! i never been to the library. good thing there was a sign pointing to where it was. without it, i would've got lost, i so need a proper tour. i entered through the door and asked a old lady if she knew where Flora was. since i was told she was loved by the librarian. she pointed down stairs, Flora was sitting down reading her book. shouldn't she be eating? i grabbed a strawberry flavored kit kat out of my bag. why would my mom give me this? she knows i hate strawberry.

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