Jowe- -a very confused look strikes his face- How could you say that? Don't you believe your parents or friends will come to find you?

                  Svet- Friends? Parents? –Slams book shut- Jowe, you heard the screams yourself. They are dead! And if they aren't, they are probably begging for it at the mercy of the freaking bear! –Giggles and opens book again, scribbling in- Jowe, I will leave you to what you believe, and I hope you leave me to mine. –Walks out of the gym, still writing-

                  Marina- what was that about? I noticed Jowe was crying again and I just hugged him. "Jowe, I promise I will get everyone out of here. Svet is just upset still. We all still are. She will gain some of her sense back when we get out. "

                   Jowe- Marina, thank you. I know we have only just known each other but you are like a sister to me. I never had a sister so I am guessing this is what it is like. –Gets up and wipes tears- When we get out, I am gonna let mother meet you. She will like you a whole lot. –Exits gym, smiling for the first time since arriving-

                  Marina- I smiled. I was glad to help him. I guess he was my first friend here.  I walked out and went to the cafeteria. Ashley and Gabby were there talking. I couldn't hear Gabby though. She never seems to speak. I smiled at them. "Hello Ashley. Hello Gabby" Ashley smiled and greeted me and Gabby only smiled. It was the first time I could really see her face. She had short and raggedy. Her face was pale, but I suppose that is because she is SuperHigh School level Hacker. She had electric green eyes that matched some of the wires sticking from her pockets. She moved a bit and glare covered her glasses. I walked over to the fridge, deciding to grab a drink. "Ashley, how did you get into this school?"   I grabbed an iced coffee from the fridge and snapped it open. I took a large swig of it as I listened to Ashley.

             Ashley- Well, I don't have much of a back story. –Shrugs her shoulders.- Oh! I used to be in this popular pop band before I came here. We were known as the Rising Stars! –jumps onto the counter and smiles, holding her face in her hands- I used to be the lead singer of the group, hence my super high school level. I was recognized all around. –Starts twirling in circles, Gabby looking slightly nervous- But you know what the best part was? –Jumps down from the counter and calms down a bit- I would have never met Gabby. –Gabby's pupils get a little small- But yeah, the school recognized me for my talent. I decided to give it all up so I could excel in something greater. I don't know what the future holds, but I am sure it will be great!

              Marina- I smiled. I remembered The Rising Stars and finally recognized her. She had the same outfit on as she did during her shows. Stars covered all of her clothing, glitter shining all over her. She was a very spontaneous person. And I noticed how Gabby's quiet attitude balances there friendship out. I yawn, realizing I am quite tired. I grabbed another coffee and said goodnight to Gabby and Ashley. I walked down the hall to my room and pass by Victoria's door that was wide open. She was blasting music that I couldn't make out and she was jamming out to it on her electric guitar. She noticed me and blushed a little before slamming the door right in my face. Well then. I get into my room and lock the door behind me. It was quite chilly in here and smelled of rubbing alcohol. Monokuma must clean our stuff while we aren't in our rooms. I place the half empty coffee can on my dresser and brush my curls. Everybody has seem to forget about being locked in here. Maybe everyone is finally adapting. Jowe and I seem to be the only ones who believe there is a chance of leaving here, but who knows anymore? I finish brushing the last few strands of my right curl and yawn loudly. I put my brush back in my drawer and lay down on the bed. The sheets and blanket smelled like detergent. For a bear who wants us to kill each other, he sure has a thing with cleaning. I look up at the ceiling and stare until my eyes flutter close, filling my head with dreams of escaping with everyone alive.

DanganRonpa- The Despair of My Life *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now