~The Fall~

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~Spirit of Hope~

The Spartan stood by the window, watching the ring slowly spin as the ship bustled about. Boots hitting the metal floor de-railed his train of thought as he turned to see Riley by the doorway.

"What it is Corporal?" He asked. "Sir Josh, Josh is not on Earth as we thought, has been kidnapped!" He replied. Jason walked over to him and nodded.

"We'll find him." The Spartan said. "That's not the only bad news, but Overwatch his been attacked, and Commander Morrison is dead." Riley said causing the Spartan to stare at him through his helmet. He lowered his head and sighed.

"Everyone is accounted for, even Commander Gabriel made a full recovery, but not without a side effect." He said pulling up a holo video of Gabriel in a secured room vanishing and then reappearing.

"What's wrong with him?" Jason asked. "Dr. Ziegler was able to find a way to revive the dead, but only if they've been killed for a few seconds. Commander Morrison was too late." Riley replied. Jason turned off the video and nodded.

"I've seen enough." He said turning and leaving. "What about Josh? We can't just let this go!" Riley shouted. Jason turned his head and nodded.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's move it." He said exiting the room. Riley smirked before dashing after his superior.

"So, can we get clearance?" Riley asked. "No, we need to keep this little mission under wraps. We're enacting Ghost Hero Protocol." Jason said.

"But sir, we'll be court-martialed or worse." Riley replied. Jason turned to him and grunted.

"We don't leave a brother behind." Jason said nodding. Riley stared at his Sergeant and nodded.

"Ready up. We'll meet at the hangar." He ordered as Riley turned and left for the hangar, already in full combat gear. Jason made his way to the armory and grabbed an MA5 rifle, a DMR, a battle rifle and placed them on his back as he grabbed a few boxes of ammunition before turning for the exit to see the weaponsmith staring at him.

"Sorry, but you're not permitted sir." He said walking up to him. "Son, just don't." Jason said walking past him.

'I know what you're thinking, and it's crazy.' Hera said. "So, stay here." Jason said turning the corner.

'Unfortunately for us both, I like crazy. That and I'm the only one stopping Master Guns from hitting the alarm.' She replied. Jason nodded as he neared the hangar bay to see Riley struggling with a few soldiers.

"I told you, Captain Charles gave me and Sergeant Yeager clearance to take this pelican." He retorted.

"Yeah, and the Master Chief is my brother. Get out of here Riley." One said pushing him back.

"I'm telling you, we did!" Riley growled before punching the marine in the face. "Back off asshole!" Another said grabbing Riley and tossing him behind. The man stood up and dashed forward as he swung forward before the marine step sided and kicked him in the gut.

"We've all seen how you fight. Just give up you idiot." The man said. Riley gritted his teeth before smirking at him.

"What's so funny?" He asked. Jason grabbed his shoulder and gripped it. The marine turned to see the towering man looking down on him.

"We'll be taking this pelican for a recon op, it has been approved by the Captain. Here's the proof." He said as Hera appeared and showed a hologram of an approval sheet with the Captain's signature. The man gritted his teeth before nodding as Hera and the sheet disappeared.

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