~The Reclaimer~

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"Greetings Reclaimers." A voice said. Jason turned as a metal ball with an eye floated towards them.

"What is that?" Angela asked. "Greetings, I am One Two Five Infinity Gem. I am the monitor of Installation 07." The Monitor replied.

"A monitor, great." Hera said. "Hello, I am Sierra One Four Five. We've come because of a damaged Covenant ship." Jason said lowering his weapon.

"Yes, my sensors detected the meddlers. Their ship is damaged, they've began to set up a base of operations." Gem replied.

"My guess is they plan on activating this ring." Riley said. "What happens when this ring activates?" Angela asked.

"This Installation will eradicated all sentient life in one hundred thousand light years from impact." Gem replied. (A/N: Since I have no internet at home and researching it at my library is a pain, I'm just spitballing here. I don't actually know how far a single Halo ring goes for.)

"All sentient life? Why?" Angela asked. "A contingency plan, incase of a Flood outbreak." The Monitor said.

"Reclaimer? What is that?" She said. "A Reclaimer is a human called by these Montiors. Humans are meant to claim the Mantle of Responsibility. To take care of the galaxy for the Forerunners." Riley explained.

"Gem, what happened to the Forerunners?" She asked. "After exhausting all other strategic options, my makers activated the rings as a last resort. They and all other sentient life in three radii of the galactic center, died as planned. Would you like to see the relevant data?" Gem asked.

"No thank you, but what are we? I mean the humans on my planet?" She asked. The Monitor scanned Angela before flying about.

"You and your species are humans, but you are special." He replied. "Special how?" Angela asked.

"You have an immunity to Flood infection, oh this is most exciting." Gem said laughing. Riley looked at the Monitor and raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean immunity from the Flood?" He asked. The Monitor turned to Riley and nodded.

"I'm guessing the Forerunners experimented on a select group of humans and made a breakthrough. They must've ordered Sentinels to clone you before the died via Halo effect." Gem said. Jason stared at Angela as she processed the information.

"Hope to Theta, be advised, Elites heading to your position. They are not friendly." The Captain said.

"Damn, if only we had more time." Josh said turning to the entrance. "We need to make sure the Activation Index is out of their reach. Can you make sure that doesn't happen?" Jason asked the Monitor.

"I can try, but I can't guarantee it will hold." Gem said. "Do it, we'll try to cover you." The Spartan replied as the door began to open.

"Uh, they're coming!" Josh shouted as he laid down and aimed his rifle at the door. Riley knelt as Angela and the Monitor ran and laid on the ground away from the coming fight. The door opened as two Elites and a group of Grunts entered. Josh fired away as the DMR in Riley's hands barked off shots. Jason fired his MA5 as it entered one Elite's head. Over the confusion, a grunt sneaked past as it ran up to Angela and the Monitor. The medic pulled out the pistol and aimed it at the grunt as her hands began to shake. Before she could fire, a red beam shot out at the grunt, killing it.

"It's okay to be scared Reclaimer, but in a war you need to be ready to take a life to defend you and your people." Gem said. She looked at the floating orb and nodded before holstering the pistol as the rest of the Covenant attack force were decimated by the three marines.

"We need to move and regroup with the Hope." Jason ordered as they exited the ship. "C'mon Slick, let's get out of here." Josh said grabbing the doctor's arm.

"You're coming too Tinkerbell. Don't want you in the Covies hands now do we." Riley said.

"Excuse me, I am One Two Five Infinity Gem, I am the Monitor of this Installation-" He started before Riley cut him off.

"Yeah, yeah, I heard it before. Let's move." The man ordered as the group exited and entered their Warthog as Phantoms passed by.

"Gun it Sarge." Josh said aiming his rifle at the sky. "Sierra One Four Five to Spirit of Hope, we're on our way. Requesting reinforcements to cover our exit." He said in the comms.

"Longswords are on there way. Hang tight." The Captain informed them. A few minutes later, two ships flew past as they fired missiles that destroyed the Phantoms hunting them down.

"Keep going sir, we'll keep you covered." One of the pilots said. Jason stepped on the gas as the Warthog sped through the canyons until the Halcyon cruiser came into view.

"Hurry up Theta, then we're out of here." The Captain said as the ramp lowered for the Warthog sped into the hanger as the ship turned and ascended into space. Jason rode the Warthog to the hangar and stopped as he and the rest hopped out. Morrison and Charles came to greet them as the Commander ran over to her.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking over. "Yes, I am fine commander." She replied with a smile. Jack looked at her and smiled in relief before glancing at Jason.

"Thank you for bringing her back safe." He said holding out his hand. Jason grabbed his hand shook it. He saluted the two as the Monitor floated towards Jack and Charles.

"Greetings Monitor, I am Captain Charles of the UNSC Spirit of Hope." Charles said nodding to him.

"I am One Two Five Infinity Gem. It's great to make your acquaintance." The Monitor said.

"Yes, and it turns out we're a special breed of humans Commander." Angela said. "Special breed?" Jack asked.

"Yes, your species of human has the latent ability to resist infection from Flood spores. If it is okay with the Captain and Commander, I would like to run some tests back on the Installation?" The Monitor asked.

"As long as it's only blood work and no live specimens. I don't want another outbreak." The Captain said.

"Then we are in agreement!" The Monitor said happily. "But, I'll send an escort to protect you. We're not alone on this ring." Charles said. Angela looked at Morrison and smiled before hugging him. She turned to the Monitor and nodded as the two left. Jason placed his rifle on his back and removed his helmet as he lifted Aaron's dogtags.

'They need you more than me kid.' He said. 'But for what?' Jason wondered before looking outside at the stars.

'For what?'

A/N: 11:18PM is when this beauty was finished. I hope you guys and gals enjoyed this. Now it's nighty night for me and the library tomorrow. But I sincerely hope you fellas enjoyed it. Tata for now!

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