Chapter 15 - When the Darkness Comes

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Hey lovies! So I updated and I really hope you like it alot! I'm so excited for this chapter! Please let me know what you think! I also changed Kiran's cast to Ginny Gardner! I'll post a picture later on!

Chapter 14 - When the Darkness Comes

When your feeling lost I'll leave my love hidden in the sun for when the darkness comes...


I close the door behind be and look up to find Niall and Liam at their open doors staring at me. They must've heard the screaming. "What's wrong Kai? What the hell was that about?" Asks Niall concern written all over his face. I look at both of them and shake my head unable to tell them the truth and run to the lift.

Tears roll down my face as I turn the key and the engine roars to life. I pull out of the parking lot and its raining heavily but I don't care. My mind isn't paying attention to the rode ahead. He knows. He knows. He finally knows the truth. I'd been waiting for this for so long and yet it feels like I've just had my heart ripped out. I was so scared of him finding out. I lied to him. I didn't tell him about dad. How could I? I should have just said something! Racking sobs take over my body. "Ughh!" I scream and bang my hands on the steering wheel in frustration. I thought I hated him, despised him but the truth is far from that, I love him. I guess its true when they say its a thin line between love and hate and that its very easy to confuse one with the other. It also isn't true that he's changed so much I don't even recognize him anymore. Louis is still the same boy I knew and that makes it hurt so much more. He didn't hurt me on purpose, I let him just like he said. All this time and energy spent lying and hiding and I ended up hurting him instead. I know I should've told him about dad. They were so close and its my fault he's hurting now. He must be destroyed, devastated and feeling betrayed. The guilt that was slowly eating me alive and that I tried so hard to suppress comes full force now and I can't handle it. My tears and the rain make it difficult to see where I'm going so when I see a flash of red in the middle of the rode I'm surprised. A little kid has run into the rode and I barely saw him. "Ahhh!" I scream swerving to avoid the little kid and instead heading straight into a light post. The car slams into the post and my head snaps to the side sending shattered glass everywhere. My vision is covered by black spots and I try to move only to find I'm pinned by the steering wheel. "Ahh" I cry out when a searing pain shoots up my leg and I see that my bone is sticking out of it as well as huge amounts of blood. My head spins and I can hardly listen to the people outside because of the incessant ringing in my ears. "Watch out!" Someone screams as I hear a screeching metal sound as the light post comes down on top of the car and everything goes dark.


"Are we going to talk about it?" I ask Kyle who's sitting in the passenger seat next to me warming up her small hands. Her hair is up in a messy ponytail that makes her look beautiful. Well, I doubt anything could make her look ugly.

Kyle shakes her head and avoids looking at me. Frustration bubbles to the surface. "There is nothing to talk about Haz. Bryan just got mad and left." She says in a way that I know she's hiding something from me. Plus she still won't look me in the eye.

I take turns glancing at her and then back at the road. "You mean he left you stranded by yourself. Does he do that a lot because I don't think thats how you're supposed to treat your girlfriend or anyone for that matter." I voice sharply because I'm starting to get angry.

Kyle sighs and rubs her face. She turns to me with a pleading look. "Just leave it alone Harry." She says her voice laced with exasperation.

"Fine but I'm not happy about it." I bite out and she sighs slumping in her seat. That bastard. If she only saw the truth about Bryan.

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