Chapter 21 - Mine

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My chest feels tight and my gut churns with the pain I saw in Kiran's beautiful amber eyes. It's a couple hours since she told us about her nightmares and I can't fathom how strong she is. She's the strongest person I know to have to deal with that kind of loss and the nightmares that haunt her and still be so happy. I can see now she struggles with her emotions and memories but in the end she chooses to be happy. She chooses to wake up each day and live her life to the fullest. I can also see that if she didnt have Kai, Kyle and her mum she wouldn't be here. And I can't and don't want to imagine not having met her, not having her as my friend. Although if I'm being honest with myself her friendship is not really what I want. My feelings for her are far from friendly and so are my thoughts. Ever since I saw her for the first time my heart pounds as fast as a Hummingbirds wings and my thoughts turns to wanting to either kiss her, protect her or both. I can't explain my severe reaction to her and it sort of scares me. Every time Kiran is near my eyes seek her out or if she's not there I'm thinking about her. About her expressive whiskey eyes, the long thick lashes, the soft looking skin and her pink bow shaped lips. I've spent hours wondering if they're as soft and delicious as they look; I've even dreamt of kissing them and other places too. But my reaction isn't only physical its emotional as well. If I see pain or hurt in her eyes I feel the need to take her with me and keep her safe within my arms. I hate seeing her lovely face riddled with unhappiness. Kiran is a beautiful person both in and out. She deserves to live her dream and I'm so glad to be a part of it. Kiran's wedged herself into my heart and I'm scared of loving someone again. Dani crushed me but I know if Kiran rejects me or if we try a relationship and it doesn't work out I'll be completely destroyed. My feelings for her are far more intense than they ever were with Dani. The couch moves slightly and I look down.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask Kiran who's head is currently on my lap as she watches the movie. The movie I've not been paying attention to. I smooth a finger down her cheek reveling in the softness of her skin. Kiran straightens and looks at me before gazing away.

"I just..." She stops herself and wrings her hands on her lap. She still isn't looking at me and she appears nervous.

"Hey, what is it?" I grab her chin and gently turn her to face me. Kiran's eyes are uncertain as she stares at me. Her bottom lip is caught between her teeth and I can't help but stare. She's breathtaking with her rumpled hair, a baggy shirt hanging off of one of her smooth shoulders and no make up to cover her smattering of freckles.

"I just wanted to say, I'm grateful for all you've done for me."

"There is nothing to be grateful for, Kere, I care about you. I help the people I care about." Kiran's eyes go round with surprise and she blushes the pretties pink. She worries her bottom lip again and this time I can't help myself and untuck her lip with my thumb. Pleasure zings through me and all of a sudden I'm aware of how close our bodies are. Kiran's small gasps tells me she's feeling the same way. She licks her lips, her eyes falling to mine before returning to my eyes.

"You're a good friend." She almost whispers and I feel the urge to tell her just how unfriendly I'm feeling right now. My finger caresses her cheek down to her lip again and then continuing down to her throat. Kiran shivers and her breathing has turned fast. I run my finger over her exposed shoulder and she closes her eyes briefly. Her skin is baby soft and so enticing I keep on caressing her shoulder until she opens her eyes again. Her eyes are the color of liquid gold and her cheeks are flushed.

"Actually, I'm not because I've been selfishly helping you. I've been helping you because I like they way you smile at me or the way you blush when I say something nice about you or when you hug me when you need some strength or when you're happy. But most of all because I love being close to you."

Kiran gasps at my words and I know I've shocked her with my honesty. "Liam." She says breathlessly and her eyes lock on my lips. I cup her cheek in my hand and gently tug her face closer to mine. Once we're only breathes apart she licks her lips and its all I can do to not to crush my mouth to hers. I look into her eyes and ask her a silent question. She nods almost imperceptible. The first soft touch of her lips against mine is amazing and makes me press them together more firmly. Kiran sighs and melts onto me. My hand tangles in her hair as the other wraps around her waist to bring her flush against me. Her perfect breast are plastered against my chest and her legs straddle me. I almost groan when I feel her tongue at the seem of my lips. I open up and her hot wet tongue touches mine and I'm gone. There is nothing else but the feeling of our tongues slipping past each other and our bodies touching. I angle her face to the side so I have better access to her sweet mouth and she gasps when my hand touches the exposed skin between her shirt and shorts. I love knowing I'm responsible for those maddening sounds. I want to rip her clothes off and get her under me but I know I have to take things slow with her. She has walls around her heart and I plan on crumbling them until I'm firmly in her heart. I gentle the kiss and when I pull back her eyes are lit with desire and her lips swollen from my kisses make my possessive side rush to the surface. "You're mine, Kere. I've tasted you now and I'm not letting go."


Hey, lovies! I know this update is rather short but I just wanted to post this scene so bad and since I'm not done with what I was going to write after I've decided to hell with it and I've posted it! I really hope you've enjoyed this teaser of what's to come in Kiran and Liam's short book titled Everybody Leaves! I'm currently not writing it right now because I want to finish FS first and then start Already Taken. I'll have a Harry and Kyle scene soon as well! FS is ending soon (only a couple of chapters left) and I've got to say I'm looking forward to the ending so that you can have the rest of the gangs stories! I'm also planning on doing a Niall and Zayn oneshot with their significant others! (Zayn and Leah! And Niall's girl will remain a mystery until I release the oneshot! Which will most likely be before the Everybody Leaves epilogue.) Thank you so much for reading!

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Love, Camie :)

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