Chapter 23 - Don't Give Up

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Three Days Ago

Light shines through the windows on what looks to be a beautiful morning. My room is illuminated by the morning sun and I can't help but stare at the warm body next to mine. Her dark brown hair fanned out on the pillow, her impossibly long eyelashes resting on her rosy cheekbones, her lips slightly parted, her slender neck and naked shoulders on display with only a dark grey sheet cover her naked body. Her chest rises and falls evenly looking so relaxed in her sleep. God, she's beautiful. And she's all mine. I'm a lucky bastard. I reach out and smooth a wayward hair out of her face and tuck it behind her ear. Her eyes flutter and then open revealing those breathtaking blue eyes I fell for.

A smiles over takes her pretty face and my heart swells with happiness. "Hey." I smile back and take in every little detail of this moment; of waking up next to her and wanting to do it for the rest of my life. 

"Good morning, baby. How you feeling?" I ask worried about her shoulder and cast. I was careful yesterday but I can't help thinking I might have been too forceful. A blush creeps on her face as she stretches before letting out a contented sigh. The sheet that was covering her has moved and the tempting swell of her breasts are visible. My body instantly reacts and its all I can do not to rip the sheet off her so I can feast on her perfect body.

My eyes wander down and when I don't hear an answer I look back up. Gracie is smirking at me and I smile wickedly. She licks her pink lips and bites down on her bottom one. I let out a low growl and capture her lips with mine. The kiss is slow but passionate and all too soon I end it before I'm too worked up and lose control. We're both breathing hard with our foreheads touching and eyes closed. I open them when my desire is under control and find a smiling Grace looking up at me. "I'm feeling amazing but I'd probably feel even better if you finished what you just started." She says boldly and I laugh before ripping away the sheet and kissing her again.


I smile to myself remembering what we did and have done since that day. My relationship with Grace is better than ever and I might be able to convince her to move in with me considering she's always there. "What's that smile for?" Asks Lou Teasdale our hairstylist and Lux's mother. Lou's been with us since the beginning and we've become like family.

I look at her in the mirror and my smile widens. "Just thinking of Grace." I say simply because of course I'm not admitting to thinking about having sex with her. "Mmhm." Is all Lou says back and I chuckle.

The day has finally arrived for our Red Cross concert and I'm buzzing with excitement. People are running around making sure everything is okay. Harry and Niall are getting dressed while Zayn and Liam are chilling on the couch. The girls are in the room next to us getting ready. Grace was so nervous this morning and when we got here we kissed goodbye before she was whisked away to hair and makeup. I haven't seen her since and that was two hours ago. I guess girls take longer to get ready than boys. Harry comes back from changing and his expression is one of frustration. Huh. Come to think of it he's been kind of off these last couple of days. I hadn't noticed because I've been so immersed in Grace but now I can clearly see something's wrong. I get up from where I was sitting and go up to him. "You alright, mate? You seem frustrated and just off." I ask placing a hand on his shoulder. Harry looks at me and I can see he wants to tell me but then he just closes his eyes and sighs wearily. "Come on, Haz. I know something's bothering you."

Harry opens his vibrant green eyes and they look resigned. "Something happened between me and Kyle. She said some things and I just....I thought she was different. Turns out she isn't." My eyes widen in surprise. I knew Harry liked Kyle and that she feels something for him too but I never thought something would come of it now. I mean she has a boyfriend- an asshole one- but one nonetheless. I feel sad for Haz because I think Kyle is  the first girl to really interest him and she's already taken. I always hoped Kyle would break up with the bastard and eventually end up with Harry. You can see it in her eyes just how much she cares for him. Every time he's around her whole face lights up and she's always near him no matter what.
I squeeze the hand resting on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Haz. But I'm sure you guys will be able to work it out. You guys meant too much to each other not to." Harry just nods and I turn to walk away. "Oh and Harry." I say turning back to him and he looks at me expectantly. "Don't give up on her. I think she's worth it and I hope she realizes what she has in front of her." Harry gives me a small smile nodding once again and with that I go get changed for the show.

Hola mis amores! I'm happy to have more time to write and as you can see its almost done! There is only one chapter left and then the Epilogue! I want to thank you for reading! I hope you've like dthe story so far! If you want to find out what happened between Harry and Kyle you're gonna have to read their story!

*Go here to see Louis room! ---->

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PS: DON'T miss HARRY & KYLE'S short story in Already Taken! The first chapter will be published a day after I publish the Epilogue for FS! (Then comes Liam and Kiran's story!)

Con amor, Camie ;)

Familiar StrangersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora