Epilogue - Time

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Three Years Later


A slightly cold breeze for summer moves through my hair as I sit on the familiar swing. Leaves rustle and birds sing conversing with each other. Warm strong fingers lace through mine and I smile to the man they belong to. His beautiful blue-green eyes are full of love and happiness and I can't help but feel so lucky to have him look at me that way. Louis winks at me and I sometimes still can't believe we reunited those three years ago. These last few years have been such a whirlwind with concert after concert and album after album. And through the ups and downs that come with our lifestyles Louis, the lads and the girls have been with me every step of the way.

Ten years ago today I was twelve years old and moving to another country. A fourteen year old Louis stood next to me as we filled his old lunch box with memories. The idea of the time capsule was his but I came up with the deal. "In ten years we'll come back and open it together." I said and Louis just nodded with a smile on his handsome face.

And here we are. Some part of me thought this would never happen. I mean after I moved to Australia and lost contact with Louis and then him becoming famous I lost all hope of him fulfilling our deal. I know now I underestimated him and how important our friendship was. Yes, we reunited but I still think even if we hadn't met up again that he would've come.

We've been here for twenty minutes just sitting on the swings in comfortable silence as old memories flooded back. Memories of our time with dad and of our active childhood. This place that we loved full of laughter and happiness. We were so carefree back then thinking we were invincible and that we had all the time in the world. I'm glad I had that before reality slapped me in the face. Life is not some kiddie ride in a theme park but the fastest scariest roller coaster of all. I learned that the hard way and I'm great full for all I have today. I cherish our time together because I know it might not always last.

I feel Louis squeeze my hand so I turn to him. "Come on." Is all he says before pulling me towards the huge tree. That tree is the biggest and its how Louis broke his arm as a child. I'd told him not to climb up but of course being the stubborn headed boy he was he completely ignored me. Halfway up the branch he was holding onto snapped and he fell. I remember him screaming and my heart filling with fear. Let's just say he never climbed another tree after that. Louis stops at the edge of the tree and sticks the shovel into the ground. He digs for a few minutes until the blue lunch box is visible. I pick it up and clean all the dirt off. We walk towards the picnic table and place it down. Louis and I look at each other then take our keys out. We place them together and smile. We needed each other or the lock wouldn't open. Just like in our life, we needed each other to be happy. I insert the keys in the lock and turn. The lock falls open and I take it off the lunch box. Louis slowly opens the rusted up time capsule and we stare at what was important to us at that time. A few pictures of us together, with our families and with my dad, my lucky guitar pick, the secret notes we left inside the tree for each other to find, some old music sheet and...a black box? "What?" I question. I don't remember putting that in here.

I feel Louis tense when I reach for the small square box that was hidden under everything else. My heart speeds up when I realize what I'm holding in my hands. I turn to find Louis on his knee with a loving smile on his face. I gasp and my hands shake as he slowly stakes my hands in his and opens the small box. A ring glitters back at me and I swear I stopped breathing. "Grace." Louis starts and I hold back a sob. "I have loved you since I was twelve years old or maybe even before that. When you left for Australia you took my heart with you and I wasn't sure if I was ever getting it back." Silent tears stream down my face. "When I met you as Kai that day in the studio my heart came back to me. I was mesmerized by your eyes and something in me knew it was you. That first month was confusing and frustrating for me but I never stopped loving you. Even after I found out about Will my heart instantly forgave you. Nothing mattered...but having you in my life forever. The day of the accident my heart broke into a million pieces. I thought I was going to loose you and in that moment I knew I wanted to be yours forever." The sob that I was trying so hard to hold back escapes through my lips. Louis own eyes have turned glassy with unshed tears. "A few weeks ago I visited your mother to ask her for her blessing and then visited Will at the cemetery and asked him as well. I hope he would've been happy to see us together as much as your mother is." A lone tear slides down Louis' face and I know he's missing my dad. I know dad loved Louis like a son so he is no doubt happily watching over us right now. "So Malakai Grace Ellis, will you do me the honor of being my wife and making me the happiest man alive?"

A few sobs escape again as I nod. "Yes." I say and a breathtaking smile overtakes his handsome face. Louis slips the beautiful ring onto my finger and brings me in for a hug. He moves back a bit and leans down until our lips connect. Louis kisses me with all the love, passion and desire he feels and I kiss him back just as eagerly. This is how I'm going to feel for the rest of my life. He breaks the kiss and places a smaller kiss on my temple.

"I have something for you. It's from your father." I look down to see a white envelope with my name on it. "He gave it to your mother before he died with instructions to give it to you when you got engaged." I stop breathing as I take the envelope in my hands. Different emotions course through me and I don't know how to feel. I slowly open it and take out the folded paper within. My eyes water at the familiar hand writing.

My dearest Grace,

I'm deeply sorry you're reading this because it means that I'm gone. I'm writing to you because even though I'm not physically there I want you to know that I'll always watch over and be with you. A few months before writing this I was told that I wouldn't get to see you fulfill your dream, see you fall in love, meet the man you'll marry, walk you down the aisle or see you have children of your own. In that moment I mourned the loss of all the things I was gonna miss. After that I decided I wanted to you give you one last fatherly advice.

This particular letter (because there are others) is for when you get engaged. First thing I want to say is that whoever it is he is one lucky bastard to have found you and to have you love him. I hope with all my heart that the man you chose to marry is kind to you, cherishes you, protects you, inspires you,  takes care of you, challenges you and most importantly loves you more than anything. To be honest I always imagined you ending up with Lou. If he's the lucky man who holds your heart then I'm glad I got to meet him before leaving you. If its not him then I'm sure you've picked a man worthy of you and I'm happy to give you my blessing.

I'll leave you with one last piece of advice: Cherish every single second of every day because you don't know if it's going to be your last. Love with every single fiber of your being because even though it might hurt sometimes it's all worth it in the end.

I love you with everything in me and I hope the man you're going to marry loves you as much as I love your mother. I wish you and him all the best in life.

Be happy , Grace, and enjoy yourself.

With love your father.

I can hardly read the end because of all the tears obscuring my vision. I can't believe he did this. I miss him so much and yet I can feel him with me here. I know he watches over me and I'm so glad he got to be a part of this moment.

I love you too dad.

Louis squeezes my hand and I look up into his understanding eyes and loving smile. He loved dad too and I guess dad knew we were meant for each other long before we did. I take a deep breath and smile brightly back at my fiance. "Come on. We have some people to show this beautiful ring to." Louis laughs and my heart soars at the sound.

I'm happy dad. I'm happier than I've been in a long time.

I lace my fingers through Louis' and cuddle up to his side as we walk towards our present and hopefully our future together.


It's done. This is the end and I'm honestly feeling a bit emotional right now. I can't believe the story is finished. I'm a bit sad to see it end but we will see these two and everybody else in Harry and Kyle's story which is already up! I hope you've enjoyed the ride as much as I have! Thank you so much for reading!

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With all my love, Camila :) <3

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