Chapter 13 - Say Something

Start from the beginning

Louis ;)

I'm here so get your pretty bum down here!

My heart pitter-patters when I realize we're going to be alone for a few hours. Ever since that talk with the girls I've been opening up to Louis. We've spent the last couple of days talking and sharing more but I've yet to tell him the truth. I just can't seem to get the words to come out. I'm scared. I sigh grabbing my purse and heading downstairs. I stop in my tracks when I see Louis leaning on his car. "A black Porshe. Really?" I ask not entirely surprised by his expensive taste in cars. I bet he has many others. I guess its one of the perks of being a famous singer with millions of dollars.

His smile lights up his face making him look absolutely stunning. "Well you know I like to have nice things. Don't you?" He chuckles and walks up to me placing a strand of hair behind my ear. My cheeks flush at the contact of skin and it only gets worse when his lips touch my cheek. They linger there for about a second too long to be considered friendly. "Good morning." He says as he opens the passenger side door for me. I flush again at his gentlemanly gesture. Oh boy. I'm in trouble if him opening a door gets to me. I get into the sleek car and the door closes and Louis runs around and gets in as well.

Louis smiles at me when he heads out of the parking lot. "So what are the girls doing today?" He asks and I am hyper aware of every movement he makes. My body feels tingly at being in an enclosed space with him. Not to mention he smells really good.

I try to calm my eratic heartbeat and look straight ahead. "Well Kiran I think was going to the mall and Kyle is going out with dickface I mean Brian." I smile when Louis chuckles and my body relaxes. It almost feels like it used to back home.

"That name suits him perfectly." He comments gazin at me with those bluish-green eyes of his. That smile hasn't left his face for three whole days.

I laugh and nod. "I know. What are the guys doing?" I ask playing nervously with my hands on my lap. I feel Louis eyes on me and soon his hand is seperating mine. Delicious tingles shoot up my arm at the warm contact of his hand. He takes my left hand in his right one and laces our fingers together.

My breath hitches and I can barely think. What is he doing to me? He chuckles at my obvious reaction and returns his eyes to the road. "They all decided to stay in today. Zayn is having Leah over though and Dani might swing by too." He says as his thumb begins to move softly back and forth on my hand.

I struggle to get my thoughts to come up with a cohesive response. "Wait did you say Dani? As in Liam's ex Dani?" I ask skeptically. I thought they had stopped talking. Liam said the break up was her decision Why would she be coming around now?

Lou chuckles again and I love his laugh. Always have because it is so full of joy and just perfectly him. "Yeah I know that was my same reaction when I heard. Apperantely she's been texting him again. I like Dani but she needs to leave Liam alone if she doesn't want him back. Poor Liam's suffered enough by her hand." He finishes and I stare at him. He cares so much about his friends. I guess he hasn't changed as much as I thought.

Louis realizes I'm staring and turns to me with a curois smile. "Wha?" He asks and I just smile back. "Nothing." I say and look back towards the front. "And I agree with you. Liam's told me about it."

Louis nods and I notice we've arrived at our destination. Lucy's Café. I smile to myself because I haven't come her since we began this whole endevor with Simon and the lads. I've missed performing here. "Then you can perform something while we're here." Louis says and thats when I figure I must have said that out loud.

"Maybe." I say as Louis opens the door for me yet again. We walk to the entrace at a close enough distance where our hand ocasionaly brush each other. Once inside the warmth and smell of coffee envelopes me.

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