Letter# 7: From Bella to Alex

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Hey Alex,
Hope you are feeling better. I have some news for you.

You told me about Mr.  Sean Patrick.  I ran a background check on him with some of my friends in London. He is a renowned lawyer. He works for some big business tycoons. He handles their lawful matters. I will contact him on your behalf.  I want to protect you from every harm that's supposed to come in your way. You have already been through so much pain. I hope I am able to do that. 

Alex, I never knew that Sam loved Ivan. Now I know the reason why Sam is always so eager to know about him. How can she do that?  All of us knew that there was something going on between you two. I told Tim once that there is something between both of you. But he didn't listen to me.  Now he owes me dinner. 

We had a bet about you and Ivan. He told me if I turned out right, he will take me out to dinner. I got the hint when Ivan took you to dinner that evening before he left and you were blushing about it later. I knew it then but I had a doubt. I could not say it out to you as I could be wrong and I feared that I may hurt you if I turned out wrong. 

Do you think that leaving the house would do you any good? I don't think that's a good idea, Alex.  You will not go anywhere until I return. We will talk about it. Till then let me talk to Mr.  Patrick and let me ask him about his reasons for contacting you. Let me see what does he have to say for himself.  If you actually have found your family. You'll be the first person from the orphanage to have your family back. I'll make sure you don't have any further letters from Mr. Patrick. 

I will be returning home in 10 days at the most. I am wrapping up my work here. We'll talk about Sam and Ivan when I return. You tell Ivan about everything. He will understand you. I know he will. 

Alex, me and Tim, we have a great time together. I am just falling in love with him more and more every day. I was never like this. I am changing. I don't know what am I going to do without him. He brought me a gift. Do you remember the red coat I liked? He brought me that. I loved it so much. It was so nice of him. I want to give him some time to think about us. I don't want to end up heartbroken. 

Stay safe. Say hello to everyone from me. Take care. Keep smiling.
                                                                                                         With lots of love

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