Letter#6: Alex to Bella

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Dear Bella,

Hope you're fine and your job is also going well.

You're right, Bella. Ivan and I will continue to be in a relationship together as long as I stay alive. I had always admired him from far away. But the day he left for Toronto, I came to know that I loved him. He loves me too. He told me in his last letter to me.

I overheard Sam and Doctor Carl talking about my progress. The doctors are not very hopeful. I don't have a long time to live. Bella, I don't care what Sam said to Ivan. I just don't care about her words. Ivan will understand me. If he understands me, I don't want anyone else to understand me. I'm sure he will understand me.

Bella, Sam saved my life that day. If she wouldn't have seen me there and didn't take me to the hospital in time, I would have been probably dead for long by now. I can't ever repay her kindness. Do you know Sam loves Ivan?

The night Ivan was leaving for Toronto, Ivan went to see her. I was also with him. We found Sam asleep.

She never slept that early. That night, Ivan found a note by her pillow. He hid it then. After some days he told me about it. But I'm not jealous of her. I want her to marry Ivan.

Don't tell anyone about it. I think I should move out of the house. I don't want to hurt him. I don't want him to see me die in front of his eyes.

I can bear the pain of being away from him but I cannot see him devastated.

Bella, Tim is coming over to meet you. He asked me to inform you. I'm sure you both are going to be happy together.

I wanted to tell you that I got a letter from Mr. Sean Patrick a couple of days ago. Can you run a profile check of him? Who is he? He wants to meet me. He said that he wants to tell me something about my family. I thought they all were dead. I don't know whether he's saying the truth or not. I won't go to meet him until you run a profile check on him.

I can't ever thank you enough for what you did for me. You gave up the money you were saving for a long time. I will find a way to pay it all back to you, Bella. You don't worry about the money.

Prepare well for Tim's visit. Go and have some shopping. Have a good time with each other.

Sorry, my New Year wish got a bit late. I hope this New Year brings a lot of happiness and smiles. May you have a bright future for ahead. I hope you never have to be away from Tim.

Thanks for all the love.



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