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A few days had passed since the incident, and although Alexander didn't mind spending extra time with his boyfriend, he found himself itching to get back to work. Rarely ever taking time off, it felt wrong to be at home so much, even though Washington had allowed him all the time he needed.

"Jack." Alex muttered, lightly shaking the sleeping man next to him. John opened his eyes, groggily turning over to face his boyfriend. "I'm going to work today."

"D'ya have to?" John muttered sleepily, draping an arm over him. "I don't wanna be alone..."

"You'll sleep most of the day anyways. It'll be fine." Alex ran a hand through his hair. "I have to get back... you can manage two days, I won't be gone the whole time."

"Fine... don't let me hold you back, go do the work thing." John mumbled, obviously still not fully awake.

"Jacky, you need blood before I go. Get up." Alex poked his cheek, and reluctantly, John sat up.

Alex sat up as well and pulled off his shirt, waiting as John searched his body for a spot to latch onto. He decided on just above his collarbone, and sunk his fangs in. It had become a routine by now, and Alex didn't flinch, only waiting while the vampire fed. The only annoying thing about this was the drowsy feeling that came with a vampire bite, but Alex could deal with this.

Soon John pulled back, then gave Alex a quick kiss. "See ya later." He said, before laying down again.

Alex stayed still for a moment, and groaned when he heard a knock on the door. You couldn't choose a worse time.

Quickly putting his shirt on as the knocking continued, Alexander stumbled out of the room, approaching the front door half dazed. He pulled it open to the familiar face of James Hamilton, his older brother.

"Hey Alex, how're ya doing?" James asked, letting himself in. "How's John?"

"Fine, we're fine." Alex muttered, leaning against the wall for support but trying not to make it obvious. "He's doing better, but... James, why're you here?"

"Damn, it's dark in here, you're gonna ruin your eyes." James commented, and Alex quickly grabbed his arm before he could throw open the curtains.

"It's fine... don't worry about it." Alex said, flinching as his brother's eyes narrowed at him.

"What's up with you? You're acting strange, did you get enough sleep?" James tilted his head.

"Yes... no... maybe?" Alex shook his head. "I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm coming to work today, things are good."

"You sure about that?"

"Yes. I'm sure, now let me get ready." Alex was about to turn back towards his room, before James stopped him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Alexander, is that a vampire bite?" James asked, staring at his neck.

Alex quickly moved his hand to cover it. "Maybe..."

"What did you do?"


"Alex. No excuses."

Alex let out a small sigh. "During the last mission, one got me, a female. She was too fast, I couldn't do anything." He quickly lied.

"Did you kill her?" James asked, and Alex hesitated.

"Of course."

"You didn't... goddammit Alex." James groaned. "I'm telling pa."

"You wouldn't." Alex narrowed his eyes. "You know how much shit I have on you."

[Lams] The Bite of a VampireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora