"Yeah, cheers."

We bump our glasses together and I bring the cup to my mouth. The alcohol smell suddenly hits me burning my nose hairs.

People actually drink this?

I take a sip and immediately regret it. It's nasty, awful, tastes sourly disgusting.

"Isn't it good?" Brie asks. I glance at her cup and see she's almost half way done.

"It's - its great." I swallow the taste in my mouth as they continue to drink.

"We'd like three blue motorcycles, please!" Paige says loudly.

"Blue motorcycles?"

"It's a drink." Nikki reassures.

"Come on, Aj. You haven't even finished yours yet."

"I'm a slow drinker."

Two minutes later the bartender has three vibrant blue drinks in front of us. Maybe this is why people drink because the mix drinks are so pretty looking.

"Brie? Hey! How are you?"

"Randy! I'm good how are you? You've met my sister Nicole and my friend Paige. This is my other best friend, Aj."

I look up and see a tall handsome man with some facial hair. His eyes are a piercing blue that remind me of Deans.

"Hello nice to meet you. Hey ladies."

I awkwardly wave not knowing how to act. I'm not around men as you can tell.

"Where's your boyfriend?" He asks Brie. She sighs rolling her eyes, "My boyfriend and I are over."

"He was a dick anyways." Nikki adds taking a sip of the green drink.

"Really? Lucky for you I brought a few friends." He points to the corner where we all turn to look.

There's a few handsome men with cups in heir hands. "The blonde one is mine." Nikki says with a smirk.

"I like the long haired one." Brie adds.

"Come on! Let's go meet them." Paige squeals.

"I'm coming." I say as they walk to them.

"Aren't you going?" Randy asks.

"Yeah. I just have to finish my drinks."

He glances at my two full cups. "Well you're going to be here a while of you drink at that pace."

"I'm not a drinker."

"I can tell."

Another song starts playing and he turns to look at me with a smile on his eyes.

"Want to dance?"

"I'm not really a dancer."

"Oh come on."

He grabs my hand pulling me to the crowd. "I really don't-"

I stand in the middle of the crowd as I look around the dancing crowd. Everyone sees so confident dancing around.

They all seem happy and careless.

I suddenly feel very awkward. It's like I don't belong here.

"I - I have to go to the bathroom." I tell Randy while walking away. I find the hallway to the bathroom.

After staring at the bathroom mirror for five minutes I sigh. Why am I so awkward? Why can't I enjoy myself for once? Why?

I approach the sink and start washing my hands even though I've already washed them.
"You look like shit." A girl says coming up next to me and washing her hands as well.

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