Worse than the Bermuda Triangle!

Start from the beginning

I dried myself with my towel and got dressed in a casual tank top and leggings. As I got out of the bathroom, I saw Charlotte sitting on the edge of her bed, surprise in her eyes.

'Becky! Is that you?' she asked.

'No, I'm Paige' I joked but, soon realized picking the wrong name as her a certain gloom took over her face. Shit!

'Uhm..Char, why are you questioning me anyway?' I said trying to lighten the environment.

Her smile took over and I felt relieved of my guilt.

'Look at you Becky! You just woke up an hour before me, which is probably the last thing on earth I expected.' she said surprised.

I just smiled. Actually, the excitement forming of my last encounter with Aj didn't let me sleep. So, I decided to wake up and have a shower.

'Hmm! you're smiling!' she said lowering her brows. 'Something's damn fishy!' she said.

Man..I wish I could tell her but no...not before I am sure of everything that's happening around me.

'Nothing fishy mom! You're girl's fine.' I faked a laugh looking away.

'C'mon Becky! Since when are you keeping secrets from me?' she faked an annoyance.

'No secrets babe. Stop interrogating me and have a shower instead.' I attempted to ignore her provocations.

'As you say Mom.' Charlotte sighed raising her hands in surrender and headed towards the bathroom. 

Pheww! Saved for now.


I continued to hover over the catering unable to select my  breakfast while Charlotte sipped into her coffee.

'C'mon babe! It's just a breakfast you're choosing, it will come again tomorrow!' Charlotte joked.

I finally decided to go with a plate of cereals. that'll be good for today.

'I got it Char.' i unformed us.

'Good morning ladies, what's up?' Aj's voice startled us. A smile developed on my lips. But don't know why I was feeling quite shy around him. Does that happen to everyone? 

What made me more surprised was that a wide grin replicated from my face was present in my best friend's too. Her eyes glowed with joy.

'Hey Aj, good morning.' Charlotte Charlotte greeted him.

'Hello Miss Flair! I didn't know that sitting wasn't allowed here while having your breakfast!' Aj joked. 

Man! that's true why were we still standing?

'N-no...it's just that Becky was confused in choosing and I stood waiting.' Charlotte said seeming a little embarrassed.

'Really!' he said raising his eyebrows. 'I must say you're being a great best friend' he said turning towards me, 'for bearing someone like her' he said eyeing me with a cocky smirk as I rolled my eyes. 'You actually deserve a gift from me for that.' he finished. 'I mean it needs someone really special to endure the pain being near her, someone really Phenomenal.' he said the last part in a whisper, leaning towards me and the implication made me blush red. I hope Charlotte doesn't get to the depth of his worlds. I can't believe this guy is flirting with me in public.

Phenomenal ComplicationsWhere stories live. Discover now