How you meet

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You were at CC Jitters getting your order for your annoying boss,"Y/N & Barry!" the lady behind the counter yelled. You ran to get your order so you could get back to work ASAP.

Without checking you grabbed the coffee and rushed out the cafe but someone stopped you. The tall guy was attractive, he had brown hair, brown eyes and the most adorable smile.

"Hey...Y/N?" He said looking at the coffee cup in his hands. You mentally face palmed yourself, "Sorry about that...Barry." you apologised and exchanged the drink.

"What's the rush?" Barry asked, "My boss, he does not want me to be late for work and to be honest I'm not a fast person and super clumsy." you explained.

He gave you a smile, a genuine smile,"I know that all to well."

You checked your watch,"Oh snap, I'm going to be late." you said, "Until next time Barry." you yelled exiting Jitters.

You rushed down the street and felt someone's hand on your slender waist and in a flash you were at your work building. You were so surprised. The Flash appeared in front of you and have you a wink before running out.


You were at the movies, getting a ticket to watch IT, alone,"Where would you like to sit sir?" the lady behind the counter asked, "Somewhere in the middle." you answered. She gave you the ticket and you entered the dark movie theater. You went to go sit in the middle row and soon a guy with long brown locks sat next to you, you couldn't help but stare at how handsome this man was.

Halfway through the movie you were so scared that you hid under the over-sized hoodie that you had on. You noticed the guy next to you had held his hand open for you . You sat normally and placed your hand on his, your hands seem to fit together so perfectly and you felt safe next to the man. You ended up falling asleep on his shoulder because you were so safe and comfortable.

You were woken by the man and walked out the theater together not noticing that your hands were intertwined with each other. IT was time for you two to your separate ways,"I didn't catch your name." you said to the brown haired beauty," Cisco, Cisco Ramon."he said you smiled, "Y\N."


Your best friend decided it would b a good idea to go watch drag-racing. It was fun to watch the cars rush past you and to cheer for the winners or winner since there was one racer that kept winning. He went by the name Taillights  he was a good racer he was just far too cocky for his own good.

He got out of the and many girls went up to him to ask for an autograph or for his number. His eyes met your and there was a spark of electricity between the two of you, he shoved the girls to one side and walked over to the only guy in the front row, you.

When Taillights came up to you, Y/B/G/F (YOUR BEST GIRL FRIEND) gushed. He looked at the two of you,"How was I?" Y/B/G/F was the first to answer," You were absolutely amazing, I loved how you slowed down so the guy thought you were going to lose, but then you sped up last minute and won." She complimented.

"And what did you think?" he asked.

You knew a lot about racing since you and your dad used to do it when you were younger and even won some competitions, but he thought t would make you straight.

"I think I could do much better than you." you said looking up at him. He smiled then pretended to be hurt,"Would you like to put those those words into action?" He said.

"I would love to." you answer. Taillights makes way so that you can pass through. You walk up to the cars and choose the F/C one since it was your favorite color. You drove to the starting  line and looked at Taillights and he looked at you. The light turned green, you blew him a playful kiss and drove off.

The heat was on you were focused on the road, you sped up last minute and crossed the finishing line with Taillights right behind you. He helped you out the car," That was an impressive win, congratulations." He said," Thank you Taillights." you say,"Please call me Wally." he introduced himself," I'm Y/N, nice to meet you."

Harrison Wells:

You walked out your office and on your way to Big Belly Burger for lunch. You stood in the line and something pressed against your leg, you looked behind you and saw a man in a wheelchair, you raised an eyebrow at him," I'm no organ, but I would love to give you my heart." he said and burst out laughing.

"Is that how you get all the guys?" you asked.

This man was attractive, had mesmerizing blue eyes and a gorgeous smile.

"Only the ones that are to die for." He answered.

"I'm not looking for a relationship."you told him. Hurt filed his eyes as they turned a deeper shade of blue, you felt guilty but it was the truth," Oh, my bad." He said and turned on his wheelchair and drove off mumbling how stupid he was to himself.

You reached the counter and realized that you should get back in the dating game since your previous relationship was months ago. You walked to the door of Big Belly and searched for the ocean eyed guy.

You saw him crossing the road and his wheelchair got stuck as he crossed the road and a truck was nearing him. Without thinking you ran into the street and pushed him out of the way causing him to fall out of his wheelchair, and you to fall on top of him.

"Guess I really am to die for." You said to him

and you both started laughing.


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